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October 9, 2024

Teoscar Hernández

San Diego, California, USA

Petco Park

Los Angeles Dodgers

Pregame 4 Press Conference

Q. When you look at what the Padres, the pitching plan for them today, Dylan Cease going on short rest, obviously there's a lot of familiarity going against him, what did you guys see in Game 1? And how do you hope to use that to your advantage in this one tonight?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: Obviously he's not -- one of the things we think about is he's not 100 percent on rest. We're going to make him work. That's not a secret for anybody.

Try to get on base as many times as we can and just trying to score some runs early in the game.

Q. We know we've talked about what it means to come in in clutch situations -- yesterday, with the grand slam. When you think about your at-bats in this series thus far, do you feel like you're building on each one and that can put you in a good spot for today?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: Yeah, I mean, I've been feeling really good. Like I always say, I had a plan and I executed it.

If I go there and execute it the right way, good things going to happen. And that's the thing that's been happening to me so far.

But today is another day. The game yesterday is in the past. Just trying to do the things today, the things that matter and trying to win.

Q. How much are you thinking about your own future at this point? Not being under contract for next year, how difficult is it not to think about that?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: Honestly, I haven't thought at all about my free agency. Right now I'm more worried about what can I do to help this team win today. Not thinking about what's going to happen tomorrow.

For me, what is the priority is what Teoscar Hernández is going to do to help the Dodgers win today.

Q. Have the Dodgers at this point this season contacted you or your agent?


Q. How different of a player are you from the last time you were in the postseason? And what did you take away from that postseason experience that might have helped you this time around?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: I think it's just going through games, going through moments, special moments, exciting moments, and with a special group. Just trying to control all the emotions that happen during the games and all that kind of stuff. And just trying to control yourself and not trying to do too much. And just give what you've got that day and hopefully it will work for the team.

Q. Can you describe the feeling in the clubhouse today? Obviously we're not in there. What's the mood there and what's the confidence level that you guys can force a Game 5?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: Everybody looks, appears normal. Everybody is taking care of what they need to do to get ready for tonight. Just the same thing, same energy.

We're trying to support each other and trying to bring the energy, that positive energy to everyone so we can be ready for the game today.

Q. Could you tell us, based on everything you've come to learn about your teammates and coaching staff throughout this entire season, can you describe your level of confidence that you cannot only win this game and get it back to L.A. but ultimately win the series?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: I think we showed it during the regular season. I don't think being in a playoff is going to be different. We have the players and the people that can make this happen. And I trust every single guy in that clubhouse.

And I think we will be able to do that tonight, in trying to win tonight. And, like I said, not thinking about the game, the next game, game number five. Just thinking about today. And we really are confident that we can get back on track and win tonight.

Q. To add on to the tough situation you guys are in, under this current playoff format, when a team is leading 2-1 like the Padres are right now, Game 4, the team that's the home team wins 82 percent of the time the series. When you hear those numbers, what's your reaction to that?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: For me, I think just numbers. I know when you go back and you watch when it happens, like you said, the percentage is really high. But like I say, I trust in my teammates. I trust in the team that we have. And we're more than capable to come back and win today and force a Game 5.

Q. Off of that, do you think this series should be seven games? This is the third year in a row that the Dodgers have won a division. You weren't here obviously. But if you lose tonight, you'll be 2-9. It's awfully hard to get things going in a series in five games. Do you think that this should be seven games to give more of a chance for the division winners to win?

TEOSCAR HERNÃNDEZ: Not really, I think it's a good setup. I don't think seven games will make any different. Maybe you get a little bit of chance. I've had a chance to win more games. But at this point it's been working really good for the league. I don't think they have to make any changes on that.

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