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October 9, 2024

Angel Yin

Shanghai, China

Qizhong Garden Golf Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Angel Yin, coming back to a place where you earned your first career victory. How special is that for you?

ANGEL YIN: It's very special, obviously. I think it was extra special because I really like Shanghai. It's always been a city that I really like coming. I came here for like two, three New Years in a row and I've got some friends here, so it's always nice and relaxing and just social to hang out and have fun.

Q. A little surreal to travel around Shanghai, see your face plastered everywhere?

ANGEL YIN: I don't really notice because I kind of just look at my phone. My friends have always been telling me -- my friends don't know anything about golf except for these two, but my Chinese friends don't know anything about golf. Last year, they were like, how did the tournament go. I was like, not bad, pretty good, and then they come this year and they're like, whoa, your face is everywhere. It was actually the first time they've been in a golf course, I think, because we were going to go to a town nearby to go grab some food, so they came to the golf course to pick us up. So it was pretty funny to me.

Q. When you step on the course, when you're playing a little bit, what kind of memories flood back to you about last year?

ANGEL YIN: Golf, good golf, days when I was still walking. It's an awesome golf course. The layout is great. It's quite different from last week's tournament where I played in Mission Hills, even though Mission Hills is such a legendary place. This place gives you very American feels. I know they've had some harsh, harsh weather that's been super unfortunate for the golf course, but everyone is here, happy and ready to put on a great event and start the Asian swing. I'm looking forward to it.

Q. What's going to be the mindset this week?

ANGEL YIN: Play good, try to improve every single day and hopefully a miracle happens and I lift up another trophy with awesome shapes. It's just a very unique trophy, and I think it's cool, so I would love to add another one to my collection.

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