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October 8, 2024

Taylor Fritz

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone

T. FRITZ/Y. Watanuki

6-3, 6-4

Q. This is your best result here in Shanghai. I know the matches are never explained by the score or stat sheet, but only five unforced errors, you must be pleased with your latest performance.

TAYLOR FRITZ: Yeah, I played really well. I'm not sure about the unforced errors stat, because he didn't give me a lot of time to make unforced errors because he would just basically go for a winner the first or second ball every rally. I expected that, because he did that to me last year, and made a lot of 'em. Yeah, he made a lot of 'em. I was really ready for that this year after seeing what he did to me last year. But, yeah, still really happy, played a good match.

Q. Seems like every tournament there's a strong contingent of American players doing well. Does it feel good to be in that group?

TAYLOR FRITZ: Yeah, I mean, it feels good to be a part of the group, for sure. I think it's great for American tennis that we've got so many guys. I've said this a million times, it's great that we're all able to push each other, because I think some of us doing well, or one of us doing well, I think it pushes the others, and I think it makes all of us better.

Q. Holger or Lehecka next, your thoughts looking ahead?

TAYLOR FRITZ: Yeah, I don't know, I think it's going to be a very close match, could go either way. But either way, either way, I'm going to be dealing with some big hitting, so I'll be ready for that. That's something that I've also gotten used to with the two matches I've already played, so it won't be too different.

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