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October 8, 2024

Ben Shelton

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone

B. SHELTON/R. Carballes Baena

6-3, 6-4

Q. Reviving some strong memories from last year in Shanghai. What were you most pleased with today?

BEN SHELTON: Yeah, I thought I served extremely well, probably my best serving day this year. I thought I did a good job capitalizing in big moments to get my breaks. I think, as a big server, if you can serve as accurately as I did today, and break once a set, you're in a pretty good position. I like the way that my game is coming together, and I thought that I was pretty clutch in the big moments today.

Q. Your next match is a rematch against Jannik. Thoughts on that one?

BEN SHELTON: Oh, yeah? I'm really excited. I tend to not look at the draw lately, so. No, no, obviously, after this match I was going to take a look, but before I went on court this time I didn't know. And, yeah, I think it's always a big opportunity whenever you get to play one of the best two or three players in the world, right now world No. 1, obviously, and won two slams this year, so it will be a great challenge.

And, yeah, great memories from that match last year, I probably watched the tape of that a couple times so far this year, but, yeah, I'm really looking forward to it, that will be fun.

Q. Is that a superstition or anything, not looking ahead?

BEN SHELTON: Yeah, I think that one of the things that me and my team try to emphasize is live in the moment, don't look ahead to the next match, don't look ahead to the next week. I think if you're always looking for where is next on the calendar, or when you get to go home, it's tough to really do the job to the best of your abilities in the current situation you're in.

So, you know, first of all, I'm focusing on Shanghai, I'm not thinking about whatever is in the next couple weeks in Europe, and then thinking about the current match, so, yeah, that's kind of our philosophy.

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