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October 8, 2024

Gael Monfils

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone

G. MONFILS/U. Humbert

7-6, 2-6, 6-1

Q. How special is it to achieve this result at this stage of your career?

GAEL MONFILS: I'm always happy. As I said last time, any win, it's something, it means that I still got it, can still compete against great players. So, you know, it's another one today, just happy with that.

Q. Is it harder playing against a fellow Frenchman?

GAEL MONFILS: I mean, at this stage of my career I have a lot of experience, I played so many, so for me it's almost the same.

Q. You are the second oldest player to reach this stage of the Shanghai Masters. Is age just a number?

GAEL MONFILS: No, no. I wish, I wish. But as I say, I'm not really thinking about that. I try and give my best. If I have an opportunity, try to take them, and, as I said, be as much in shape that I can.

Q. What are your thoughts looking ahead to your next match, which will be against Alcaraz?

GAEL MONFILS: It will be, for me, a really tough one, and some matches that, you know, you always like to play, in this stage of my career, is to play those great players. As I say, coming up legend. For me, it's just an honor to be on the court with this guy tomorrow, so it's going to be great to face him again.

Q. What do you think is working well in your game at the moment?

GAEL MONFILS: I have no idea, to be honest, you need to ask my coach. Me too, I'm asking my him myself. I try to do the work and be as much, you know, sharp that I can.

Q. Are you enjoying your time out on court?

GAEL MONFILS: Always, always, it's a pleasure for me always. But, you know, we come here, we do a lot of, you know, work, and when you win matches, matches, matches, you know, you're just happy. I want just to give, again, another shot and, you know, when you play big, big, big players, it's always a great opportunity to have more experience.

Q. Your last match against Alcaraz in Cincinnati you got victory. Do you think that you can repeat this feat?

GAEL MONFILS: No, no, I think he will beat me. He will crush me a hundred percent, you know. I think I was just lucky, as I said. Last time I was very fortunate, and it was not a good match from him, and one of my good match from me. His level is unbelievable. I have also done great myself, but he's, as I say, coming up legend. So, I guess he will crush me, but as I say, I will do everything to not be crushed too easy, in a way. But everything is bonus, it's bonus, you know. It's not like I come up on the court, of course, with the attitude, because I have the experience. But now I have the experience, and I can talk like for real, you know, this kid is something else.

So, honestly, it's going to be a 99 percent chance for him, but just to get a percent, you know, so that's why you go. I'm going to enjoy myself, but as a real man I tell you, no, this kid is something else.

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