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October 8, 2024

Jakub Mensik

Shanghai, China

Mixed Zone

J. MENSIK/A. Shevchenko

6-1, 6-7, 6-2

Q. What's it mean to get this result at this stage of your career?

JAKUB MENSIK: Yeah, I mean, for sure, I'm like, very happy, because those performances that I'm playing right now, I feel like I'm in a good form now, so it's great that I can keep playing and keep reaching, you know, the wins. So, yeah, very happy with every win I get here because, yeah, of course, very important in this stage to play as much matches as I can, so, yeah, that's perfect. I feel very confident, so really looking forward to next match.

Q. This is the third match where you've won in three sets. Do you sort of feel like you're figuring things out and kind of almost growing up in those matches as well?

JAKUB MENSIK: No, I mean, of course. Yeah, sometimes, you know, it's just coincidence that all of the matches were in three sets. But, I mean, all of them, I mean, in this kind of event, in this tournament, you cannot find, you know, a bad opponent, everyone is playing really well here. The differences are very, very, very small.

So, if it was first round against Pedro, and right now against Alex, so, of course, you know, the level is kind of same. So you cannot say that, you know, this one is easier or this one is not, so of course all of the matches are very difficult. Of course, now in this stage it will be more and more difficult, but, yeah, that's what I'm preparing for.

Q. Your next match will be against either Alexei Popyrin or Grigor Dimitrov. What are your thoughts looking ahead?

JAKUB MENSIK: Of course, like I told you now, now in this stage of the tournament you cannot choose, you know. Yeah, of course, both of them are very good players, very good season for both of them. So, I don't even know. I don't even have preferences against I will play rather than the other one. So, yeah, I just try to play, like these days, you know, like in the first, second, third round, so, yeah, just enjoy every moment on the court and that's now most important thing.

Q. Everything is so new for you this year, does that give you a sense that, I mean, does that mean that you can play without pressure when everything is so new?

JAKUB MENSIK: Kind of, yeah, but, I mean, no pressure at all in all of the tournaments, you know. I mean, for me, doesn't matter if I'm here, or if it was US Open this year, which I played already, you know, last year, and I didn't feel any differences. Of course, it's new, it's something different, you know, you are exploring and getting used to all the new things. But it doesn't matter if I'm coming back on the place or if it is new for me, so no pressure at all.

Q. What do you think are the biggest improvements over the past year for you?

JAKUB MENSIK: Everything. Everything. Of course, because, you know, when you want to be better, you have to improve in everything. Of course, it's very hard, you know, to play against these big guys, and even I'm still 19, you know, so, of course, physical way, point of view. Of course, because, couple of months ago, I was playing against juniors, you know, and the level is completely different than this one. So, I'm very glad that last year we improved a lot in the physical way. Of course, in the mental way as well, because, you know, it's very hard sometimes. You know, in juniors, the guys give you free points sometimes, and right now you have to keep playing in every stage of the match. So, yeah, very important those two things, and this is the, this was, I mean, the key of the improvement of last year, yeah.

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