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October 7, 2024

Salvador Perez

New York, New York, USA

Yankee Stadium

Kansas City Royals

Pregame 2 Press Conference

Q. Salvy, you have good numbers against Carlos Rodón. What has contributed to that success, and what will be the key tonight when you guys face them?

SALVADOR PEREZ: He's one of the better lefties in the league. I just try to do my job. The way that I got good success against him, he got a lot of strikeouts against me, too. I think we're 50/50.

I think he tries to do his job, I try to do my job. I try to help my team to win the same way he's going to do tonight. We're going to try to see the ball up score some runs early and try to win the game tonight.

Q. How soon when Cole Ragans came over last year did you know that he was potentially one of the best starters in baseball?

SALVADOR PEREZ: The way he prepares himself, the way he likes to compete. And he's got pretty good stuff. He got the fastball, he got everything. That's what I think about him, that he can be one of the best lefties in the league, too.

Q. Last year when you guys had such a tough year, you had had a few in a row. Did you have much confidence that you could be here in 2024, back to the playoffs, and what was that offseason like for you?

SALVADOR PEREZ: Yeah, I think after the last game last year, J.J. and Mr. Sherman got the guys that we have in the offseason. I told myself, we have a pretty good chance to make it to the playoffs.

Q. I know you guys are focused on tonight, but what will it mean to be able to play in front of your fans in Game 3?

SALVADOR PEREZ: Pretty good. It's going to be amazing. I think we have the best fans in MLB. I think it's going to be good for everybody.

Q. What do you remember about playing at Kauffman in 2014 and 2015?

SALVADOR PEREZ: They're early to get to the ballpark. As soon as it was out -- it was sold out already, so that was pretty good.

Q. Following up on that, the Chiefs are also playing tonight. Kansas City is probably electric right now. Talk about how awesome that is, tonight playoff baseball and the Chiefs Monday night.

SALVADOR PEREZ: Pretty good. I wish the best to the Chiefs tonight that they can win the game. For us, too. I think it's a city of champions; that's how they call Kansas City.

Q. You've always been that happy-go-lucky, most relaxed, laid-back player out there on the field. Is that kind of mindset even more necessary when you get to these games in these playoff environments?

SALVADOR PEREZ: The way I have got a little bit of experience in the playoffs have made myself come down a little bit. That's what I try to tell these guys. Have fun, enjoy and play hard, give everything you have for the game.

Q. Does that help, too, when you have a guy like Ragans and most of these starting pitchers who are stone faced and very serious on the mound, to have that kind of a counter attitude when you come out and talk to them?

SALVADOR PEREZ: Yeah, I think it's going to help a little bit. And I think Cole is ready.

Q. At this point in your career, do you think of yourself as a future Hall of Famer?

SALVADOR PEREZ: 100 percent. 100 percent. If you don't think that way, you're in the wrong sport. I think every player wants to be in Hall of Fame. I think every player wants to play 14, 15, 17, 20 years doing the same thing. I at least have the opportunity right now. That's what I tell myself right now. Give it everything you have; you never know.

Q. Is that one of the reasons you wanted to stay in Kansas City? It seems like something you're proud of, that you've been there your whole career?

SALVADOR PEREZ: Yeah, yeah, 100 percent I'm proud to stay here whole my career.

Q. In those last few years when you guys were losing a lot, did that make it hard, because you had experienced winning?

SALVADOR PEREZ: Yes, it's kind of hard, but I think it's part of the process. When I got called up, it was kind of the same process that we're going through last year and a couple years ago. So you know at some point you're going to make it to the playoffs again. And I thank God too I don't make any decision to leave and I stay in Kansas City.

Q. You play the game with a lot of joy, and Juan Soto does, as well. I wonder when he comes to the batter's box, what have been some of your conversations in the batter's box with Juan?

SALVADOR PEREZ: It's kind of talk a little bit more during the regular season. In playoffs, he's just, Hi Salvy, and that's it. I get it. He try to win, I try to win. Let's compete, have fun, and I love the way he plays the game.

Q. Your position behind home plate, how have you changed your positioning, knee down, different ways of receiving? How have you changed the way you receive the ball over your career?

SALVADOR PEREZ: Yeah, especially when the framing is coming out, I think to stay down. I'm a big guy to be behind the home plate, so it's kind of hard to get the low pitches. So I think one knee down is kind of better a little bit. I'm still working at that. Even I can catch a couple more years, one knee down.

Q. The Yankees for much of this season have started a rookie at catcher in Austin Wells. The little bit that you've seen of him this year, what have your observations been?

SALVADOR PEREZ: Pretty good. I think he's going to be a good catcher in the future. The way he frame it, too, that's pretty good. And he's fourth in that lineup. Makes me think he's going to be good.

Q. As one of the veteran players, did you get a lot of questions from teammates about the playoffs in September and in the last week or two, or is it more lead by example?

SALVADOR PEREZ: Even when we celebrate that we're going to go to the playoffs, yeah, a few guys coming to me, like how does it feel, how it's going to be.

The crowd, it's going to be a lot of noise, but at the end of the day, it's the same game. As soon as you throw the first pitch, as soon as I receive the first pitch, everything is going to be like a regular game, so I don't want you guys to put extra pressure.

Q. Is there an advantage of seeing Rodón or another pitcher a third time in a season, and how much does that help you when you're preparing for tonight's game?

SALVADOR PEREZ: I don't think it's any advantage right now. No, man, I think we just try to do our job and he try to do his job. I think Rodón just likes attacking us. Everything in the past is over. You need to concentrate on today, and I don't think it's any advantage, no. He's pretty good.

Q. You missed all of 2019 with Tommy John surgery and I know you love to play. But looking back on that, do you feel like missing that year has helped you the rest of your career in certain ways?

SALVADOR PEREZ: Yeah, I think it happened for a reason. At that moment I don't understand that, but after a few years, yeah, I get it. And I think that everything happens for a reason because now I think Tommy John add a few more years on my career.

Q. Just to follow up, the Tommy John surgery, you said it happened for a reason, felt like it even extended your career. What did you mean by that?

SALVADOR PEREZ: I think catching every day, it's kind of hard. What I mean is like to rest that year, I think adds a couple more years on my career. The way I don't use my body in 2019, I think it's going to help maybe stay in this game for a little longer.

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