October 6, 2024
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Citizens Bank Park
Philadelphia Phillies
Postgame 2 Press Conference
Q. You've played in a lot of playoff games, they're not as quite as topsy-turvy as this one. What was it like being on the field out there today going through that?
TREA TURNER: Back and forth, obviously. I feel like at times you don't see the light at the end of the tunnel and then stuff starts to happen, you see some things go your way, and then you feel like you're in the driver's seat, and the next thing you know it's taken from you again.
That's what we expect with them. They're a good team. And they've shown already in the postseason that they're going to battle back. There's no quit in there and there's no quit in our dugout, as well. Good game, glad we came out on top.
Q. You were on the go from the first moment. Was it important for you to create some energy?
TREA TURNER: Yeah, a little bit. It's hard for me to talk without strategy and all this stuff. When opportunities present themselves, we need to take advantage of everything, you don't know what run or base is going to be the most important of the game. It could be the first inning you score four or five, and then maybe that's the deciding factor in the game. Got to take advantage of every opportunity.
This time of year the pitchers are so good, they usually don't let those windows last very long, and just try to make something happen and play my game.
Q. Rob mentioned that you guys made adjustments. Was that something that you guys had seen collectively, was it something that was almost unspoken, because you have so many guys with experience?
TREA TURNER: I think it's a little bit of everything. Getting that first game under your belt yesterday I think helped a little bit. Making adjustments, like you said, we have veteran guys, we know when we're doing stuff wrong or we have things that we do very well. And when we're not doing them, we know we have to work on different things.
This time of year it's just battling, and trying to get those good pitches that I always talk about and not missing them. I saw that homer that Bryce hit was the pitch he had to hit, stuff like that. And today felt like we got a few more of those pitches and we didn't miss them. I think that's when the homer starts to come and some of those extra base hits start to come.
Q. Rob was saying that you've got this ability just to kind of fight through difficult situations, yet you guys always seem to find a way.
TREA TURNER: Yeah, kind of like what I just talked about, you don't know what is going to be the deciding moment. And I think sometimes teams don't really buy into that, you know, and I think we truly believe that if we just keep going, something good is going to happen and we'll find a way. We don't know how it's going to happen or who it's going to be but we'll find a way. I think we truly believe that. You can't fake that, I don't think. And I think we have the right guys in the clubhouse for that.
Q. Even though Schwarber is a leadoff hitter, do you still feel like in certain situations that you still have to set the table, especially knowing that like tonight or through the series that they were going to try to pitch around Harper, even though he did hit a home run, did you feel you still had to set the table for both Harper and Castellanos?
TREA TURNER: Absolutely. For me I always -- my career I always wanted to score as many runs as many different ways as possible. Sometimes that's an infield single, sometime stolen bases, sometimes it's hitting a homer. But for me it's finding a way to put pressure on that other team. If I can get on first base, and then just start them worrying about me running or stealing, just a little bit of anxiety that I can create I think it's really big. I feel like I can get better pitches for those guys that are behind me. I feel like I can do a lot of different things, sometimes it will be the stolen base, sometimes it will be something else. I try to be ready for everything.
Q. Severino was cruising through those first few innings, the only thing really offense really had were your first two singles. What were you seeing against Severino that you were able to find success there?
TREA TURNER: I think he just made some mistakes. My second at-bat I got nothing to hit. First at-bat I kind of got lucky a little bit. I think it was still a good pitch. Really the first good pitch I got to hit all series was that third at-bat, the slider, two strikes. I think he just made a couple of mistakes. And Bryce is, like I said, was a little bit of mistake. When guys are here, they're here for a reason. Severino pitched great all year. He's got good stuff, got good velocity. When he's spot on it's tough to grind him out. Like I always talk about, when those mistakes are there, it's kind of the difference. Tonight I got a few more of those. I think pressure and momentum helped kind of create those. And we've kind of got to create our own momentum and pressure to reward ourselves with those pitches.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
