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October 6, 2024

Kevin Yu

Jackson, Mississippi, USA

Country Club of Jackson


Q. You seemed calm out there all day. How would you describe the comfort you felt on the golf course as you tried to win on the PGA TOUR for the first time?

KEVIN YU: I'm excited inside my mind but I'm trying to be as calm as possible from outside. Just really I feel like I took a little break from last month, really helped me. I feel like I was playing great and just mentally I was just kind of tired, frustrated, and just feel like momentum couldn't going anywhere in the last maybe six months.

Then today out there I was trying to do my best on everything and trying to -- I set a goal today if I can shoot 5-, 6-under I have a chance, and today I focused on that. Try to do the best I can out there and try to do every shot the best I could have done out there. I did a pretty good job out there today.

Q. Kevin, Steve just documented the fact that you came from Asia to play amateur events, college, scratched and clawed your way to the PGA TOUR; this is your second year. I know you dreamed of being on the PGA TOUR. How does the reality of winning compare to that dream?

KEVIN YU: It's literally a dream come true. I've been dreaming of this moment since I was five. I think this is the dream for all the golfers, to win on PGA.

And then I did it today and I'm really thankful for my parents right there right now. And without them, I don't think I could've done this, win this tournament. And I also want to thank my team, my coaches, my caddie, and my friends; all their support made me today.

Q. Your parents witnessed you fulfill that dream. How impactful is it to have them here?

KEVIN YU: It's really big. I think there is only like three guys from Taiwan winning on PGA TOUR. To have them right here, I think it's really almost feel like impossible things.

I just really thankful for my parents. My dad taught me how to play golf since I was five and they been working really hard, sacrifice a lot of the things. It's just without them I can't have done this today.

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