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October 6, 2024

Beau Hossler

Jackson, Mississippi, USA

Country Club of Jackson

Quick Quotes

Q. Not the result you wanted but still very, very solid week. What positives will you take from this weekend and of this finish this week?

BEAU HOSSLER: The main positive is just getting under the gun and performing. You know, it's tough to get in a position to win on the PGA TOUR. I was proud to get there, and then proud of my performance.

Even though I didn't have my best stuff on the back nine I grinded really hard. Hit some really quality shots under the gun, and that's all you can do. Obviously Kevin played a beautiful hole in the playoff. Hit it right down the middle. Probably 7-iron to five feet and made it right in the middle.

Definitely stings, but you got to tip your hat. I don't know what he shot today, but had to be 6-, 7-under and then to birdie the playoff hole, pretty flawless day. Good for him.

Q. How do you relish that opportunity of playing in the final group, that experience?

BEAU HOSSLER: Yeah, that's what you play for, right? We play 28 weeks a year, and for me, just to get in contention however many times, this is what I train for and have been working for since I was a little kid.

Really nice to be nervous. Nice to hit good shots when you're nervous. You know, like I said, I'm a little disappointed with the outcome. I'm a little salty right now. All in, a lot of really good stuff this week.

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