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October 6, 2024

Alex Smalley

Jackson, Mississippi, USA

Country Club of Jackson

Quick Quotes

Q. One stroke shy of a career low. More importantly, five birdies and two eagles. How do you feel about the final round?

ALEX SMALLEY: It's hard to feel bad about it. Yeah, I mean, I had a stretch goal coming into today that I wanted to get it 20-under total. I wasn't sure it was possible but it was something I was shooting for and was able to better it by one.

Yeah, super thrilled with it. Yeah, it's a great feeling to be able to close strong on a Sunday. Been a few tournaments where I haven't done that this year.

This kind of makes up for it a little bit.

Q. In the round when did it seem like it seem like it started clicking as putts were sinking in?

ALEX SMALLEY: The hole-out on two for eagle was nice touch. Flew right in the hole. Didn't bounce at all or anything.

Then I played the par-5s on the front pretty well. Was able to make birdie on those. Had a good look at eagle on five; just missed.

Had a few decent looks on 7, 8, 9 -- not on 9, but on 7 and 8 and just weren't able to fall.

Made a lot of really good maybe 7- to 12-footers on the back I felt like it kind of keep the momentum going.

Yeah, those are always nice to see them go in.

Q. Mentioned earlier maybe not the season you were looking to have, but what momentum will you take from this round for the rest of fall?

ALEX SMALLEY: For sure it's a huge confidence builder. Any time you can shoot 9-under it always feels good. To be able to do it on a Sunday and have -- I don't know if I'll have a chance to win, but being pretty high up on the leaderboard, finishing like that, it's a great feeling to have.

Just hope to carry the momentum into next week in Utah.

Q. Made an Instagram post earlier about donating for the storm relief. How did that come together? What made you want to do that?

ALEX SMALLEY: I know a few players have kind of done something similar in the past. The one that's coming to mind is Collin Morikawa donating to Maui when the wildfire hit.

I thought it would be a cool thing to do. Growing up in North Carolina and still residing there, made trips to the mountains a number of times and visited Asheville. Seeing some of the videos and pictures and news reports out of western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee have been pretty horrific.

I know it might not help out a whole lot because I know a lot of people have lost most of their livelihoods. If they stayed alive. I know we may never know what the true impact of the storm will be in terms of the death toll unfortunately.

But, yeah, it's the least I could do. So I am not sure what the total tally was this week. I'm going to be doing it the next couple weeks as well. If I can do the same thing I did this week the next couple weeks, we'll have a pretty good charitable contribution to them.

Q. Nice with those eagles. Hanging around here and watching for a little while?

ALEX SMALLEY: Maybe for a little bit, yeah.

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