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October 5, 2024

Beau Hossler

Jackson, Mississippi, USA

Country Club of Jackson

Quick Quotes

Q. Beau, another solid round today. How would you assess your play today?

BEAU HOSSLER: Very, very good, minus about four minutes; made double on 12.

But other than that it was pretty flawless. Was in play pretty good off the tee. Maybe didn't drive it quite as well as I did the first two rounds, but was able to get a lot of looks at birdie and took care of the par-5s and the drivable hole, which is what I talked about yesterday being really important out here.

Q. After the double you responded with? Three birdies. What did you do to reset after the 6?

BEAU HOSSLER: Yeah, this golf course is pretty gettable if you can get it in play off the tee. I knew that I had a par-5 there and a drivable par-4, so I knew I could get two pretty good looks at birdie and was able to do that.

Just try and stay in the present as best you can. I think in 54 holes I've maybe only made a couple bogeys and a double, maybe something like that, so obviously I'm playing really good golf.

I know I'm going to have a lot of looks to make birdies so hopefully just get some more putts to fall and have a good one tomorrow.

Q. You're heading into the final round one off the lead. What is your mindset going into tomorrow being in contention playing in the final group?

BEAU HOSSLER: I think it helps in a way because the scores are so low that you know -- I mean, by the time we tee off someone will probably be even lower than where Keith is to be honest.

So just knowing that you're going to go have to put together like a really solid round of golf tomorrow again. Even though I'm only one back, likely I'm going to have to shoot a handful at least under par tomorrow to have a chance to win.

In a way that kind of keeps you focused on the present. There is no protecting of a lead or anything like that out here, because assuming conditions like we've had the last three days, going to be a ton of birdies.

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