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October 5, 2024

Bud Cauley

Jackson, Mississippi, USA

Country Club of Jackson

Quick Quotes

Q. Bud, great work out there today. Just assess your performance for us, please.

BUD CAULEY: Yeah, played really well. Got off to a great start. Lost a little bit of momentum in kind of the middle of my round, but gave myself a bunch of good looks towards the end.

Just kind of burned a couple edges, has a couple lip out. Really happy with the way I played.

Q. Obviously had a lot to work back from since the accident. Describe for us the process in which you regained your confidence out here?

BUD CAULEY: You know, it's been, like you said, it was a long process to get back. You know, I guess coming out and playing competitive golf is kind of what I'm used to I guess or most comfortable doing.

I made a comment earlier in the year that being in doctor's offices all day is the abnormal thing and being out here playing is where I feel comfortable.

So it's been a slow progression all year of making piecing my game together and making little improvements, and things are starting to come together.

Q. That whole process, how much more rewarding does that make a round like this where you get yourself on a Sunday right in the thick of it?

BUD CAULEY: Yeah, it's nice. I've been working really hard, and to come out and see the results is nice.

Yeah, makes me confident in the things I've been working on, and I'm performing well in tournament, so just trying to keep building off that.

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