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October 5, 2024

Kevin Yu

Jackson, Mississippi, USA

Country Club of Jackson

Quick Quotes

Q. Kevin, third consecutive round of 66. Game looks good. How would you assess your play through three rounds going into tomorrow?

KEVIN YU: Yeah, just do the same thing. I feel like my strategy out here, it's been great, it's working out pretty good, and especially putting this week has been really good.

Just I know I'm hitting good, and just tomorrow if I can translate, I know I can putt it well, too, so keeping that mindset in my mind and hopefully I can do it better for tomorrow, yeah.

Q. This is your first start back since the Wyndham Championship. What were you doing on your break and how does it feel to be back playing good golf right off the bat?

KEVIN YU: Actually I didn't do much related to golf. I actually went fishing quite a bit with my friends and hang out my family and friends.

I feel like when you go back to Taiwan my mind just relax a little bit, and feel like before Wyndham we would like, six, seven, eight stretch for the tournaments. It's just been a grind out there.

I went back to Taiwan, and finally my mind can settle down a little bit. So just that mindset I feel like it's fresh and ready to go, and it helped me quite a bit in I think in a lot of outcomes. That definitely helped a lot.

So tomorrow just going to be the same: Just keep that mindset fresh, and knowing that I'm playing good and just going to keep it going and never looking back.

Q. And the putter has been hot this week. Did you make any adjustments coming into this week or early week before tournament play started? What's been going well?

KEVIN YU: Nothing really special. I just keep working on the same thing that I've been working on. I mean, been working with my coach for a long time. I feel like last season in beginning of this season I was just -- I feel like I was just thinking too much.

Like just at Wyndham I talked to my coach. He told me like you got to put -- I was putting really good on putting green and just can't translate to the course. I feel like it's all a mindset thing. I just tell myself I know I'm putting well. I'm just going to do the same thing I did on the putting green. I know I can make some putts.

And then coming out this week I just told myself not thinking too much, trying to be simple as I can it's been working out, so I am just going to keep that mindset for tomorrow as well.

Q. You're typically a very strong player off the tee. This is a shorter track this week. How much does that amplify your game knowing you're a good player off the tee on a shorter track than usual?

KEVIN YU: It definitely helps. I feel like this course, you know, if I can hit it in certain distance you can cover some troubles. So I feel like this week I've been doing pretty good and I'm hitting good distance with like good control with it.

I know I can be aggressive off the tee and putting has been great, so I know if I keep hitting good I can have a lot of opportunities to play good, which I did the last three days. Just got to keep it going for tomorrow.

Q. You've had a couple Top 10s this season. Clearly you can compete out here. You also missed ten cuts this year. In your mind, what is it that is holding you back from that consistency?

KEVIN YU: I feel like -- I mean, I was playing -- for those like missed cuts I feel like I was still playing decent. Just like I can't kept the momentum going during the rounds. I make a few birdies and I make like a bogey or miss like -- miss in the wrong spots and just kind of killed the momentum and going downhill from there.

Then I talked to my coach a lot, talk to my caddie a lot, and they just keep telling me the same thing. We are just going to think very clearly on the course. Then we kind of go through that during the off-season last month, and then I feel like that helped a lot, especially my mind is fresh.

So knowing that there are certain spots I can miss and what I have to do on the course definitely helped me a lot out there this week. Then just tomorrow is going to be the same thing. A lot of places you can go, a lot of places you can miss. Just knowing that the strategy will be good and I think I'll be doing good as well, yeah.

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