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October 5, 2024

Cristopher Sanchez

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Citizens Bank Park

Philadelphia Phillies

Pregame 1 Press Conference

Q. When did you find out that you were starting Game 2 and what was your reaction?

CRISTOPHER SANCHEZ: The same reaction as I always have when I'm pitching on the mound. Excited but at the same time committed to the opportunity. With my teammates, excited to give my best effort for them?

Q. There's been a lot made of your home and road splits this season you've pitched a lot better at Citizens Bank Park. What do you think might play into that? Is it something more random? But what makes you comfortable about pitching here at home in Philadelphia?

CRISTOPHER SANCHEZ: It's something I just can't explain. I just feel really comfortable here, and the fans give me that ability to be comfortable at home and be a pitcher here.

Q. What has the past week been like welcoming your first child and finding out you're the Game 2 starter?

CRISTOPHER SANCHEZ: First of all, thank you for that. And it's just all been really special. I think there's nothing that beats getting home to my kid right now. I'm just spending time with him, holding him every 5 minutes. Just all around, being all over him. That's just something I can't describe right now.

I'll just treat it as another game. I'm really excited. I'll just go out and be myself out there. Just compete and give the best of myself for my teammates, as well.

Q. What has this year been like for you, the contract extension, All-Star, pitcher of the month, new baby, and now you're starting in the playoffs. Could you have envisioned this this time last year, and what has it been like for you?

CRISTOPHER SANCHEZ: I just think it's a part of all the hard work that we've been doing throughout the offseason and through the season, as well. I work really hard and prepare myself both physically and mentally to be able to compete throughout the whole year, and I think we've been able to do that.

That's been one of the keys for my performance, and I just thank God that I was able to perform like I did and that all the hard work paid off.

Q. What was your throwing schedule this week, with having to go to the hospital and the team having the workouts?

CRISTOPHER SANCHEZ: It was the best time possible. It all happened in perfect timing. I was able to go to the hospital and meet my kid, my wife, and just spend two days with them at the hospital. All normal to me. The next day I just came here, did my throwing program, had a bullpen session, and it's all been just regular for me, luckily.

Q. Was the baby born Sunday or Monday?

CRISTOPHER SANCHEZ: Monday. Monday, October 1st.

Q. You had a chance to pitch in the playoffs last year against Arizona. What did you learn from that experience and how can you draw from it to make your start tomorrow?

CRISTOPHER SANCHEZ: As you mentioned, I had the experience of pitching in the playoffs last year. But I can't compare that to this year. I think what we've been doing the whole year has helped me be in a better position to be here in the postseason now this year. I'm more mature. It's more experience.

And I think that what we've been doing with all the work, it helps my confidence and it gives me strength. Just to be that confident being on the mound and give the best version of myself for the team and for the fans, as well.

Q. What does it mean to you that Rob has this kind of faith in you to pitch you in Game 2 of the series? Does that mean something to you?

CRISTOPHER SANCHEZ: It's just something nice. It feels really nice to do that. It shows that he trusts me a lot. So I sort of have a chip on my shoulder, but no pressure on that. I feel good with that. I like that he trusts me. And just as always, give the best of myself and do what I have to do: Enjoy the game and just go out and throw the ball.

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