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October 4, 2024

Luke List

Jackson, Mississippi, USA

Country Club of Jackson

Quick Quotes

Q. 5-under today, highlighted by an eagle and a birdie with the last. How would you assess your round?

LUKE LIST: Yeah, didn't feel like I was playing that poorly. Felt like it was -- wind was up a little bit early in the round so I didn't take advantage of a couple of par-5s that I would've liked to, 5 and 11.

I was really happy to finish that way because I've had a lot of kind of close calls where I feel like I just need more rounds to get going. It's nice to be able to have two more round on the weekend.

Q. Birdies down the stretch, but what the eagle, what does that count with your donation?

LUKE LIST: Yeah, Todd Lewis was just asking me about that. That definitely counts as two birdies, so double that one up.

Q. Sanderson Farms announced they'll be staying on for another year. What's it like to know you can come back for another year?

LUKE LIST: Yeah, it's fantastic. Joe Sanderson and his family and the new guard there has done a fantastic job with their charitable givings for the community and the state. I am proud to be one the defending champions and really proud they are stepping up for another year, because I know how well they do for the community.

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