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October 4, 2024

Beau Hossler

Jackson, Mississippi, USA

Country Club of Jackson

Quick Quotes

Q. Beau, 36 holes of really solid golf. How would you assess your play so far this tournament?

BEAU HOSSLER: It's been really good. I'm 15-under par through two rounds, so yeah, I'm thrilled. Just feel like I made it relatively stress-free. Certainly a few holes I had to grind a little bit.

All in all, ball's been in the fairway or close and on the green or close, and I've putted pretty well. I've read the greens pretty well from seven to 20 feet.

Today I even got a long one to go, so very solid. Pleased. Just hoping to do two more.

Q. You talked about it a little bit a couple minutes ago, but this is a golf course you like but maybe not one you circle on the calendar. What do you really like about this golf course and what sticks out about the Country Club of Jackson when you come here?

BEAU HOSSLER: It's a very traditional golf course. Really no blind shots, which I like. You get what you see basically is what I'm saying. You stand on the tee and it frames exactly where you need to hit it and it comes down to executing a golf shot. There are no mind games out here.

If you can drive it pretty well you can get a lot of wedges in your hand. I feel like my wedge game has come a long way in the last couple years. With that being said, I feel like from the fairway with a wedge in my hand I'm going to get a really nice look at birdie.

In a low-scoring tournament like this at some level it becomes you got to hit it well, but becomes the guy that makes the most mid-range birdie putts for four rounds of the players that hit it well. I've hit it well so far. I've been in play off the tee the majority of the time.

You know, ideally just keep it as stress-free as I can for the next 36 holes and hopefully get some putts to keep going in.

Q. Yesterday saw some low scores; David Skinns shooting a 12-under 60 to open things up. When you see guys going low, is that almost encouraging for you when you go out knowing that the course is maybe a little gettable and you can put up a good number?

BEAU HOSSLER: Yes, but you can also fall into trying to force a low score and that seems to never work. When you get these shootout golf tournaments, I think it's really important to stay focused on the present, and likely you're going to have a lot of opportunities in front of you; try not to force that one to go in right now.

Easier said than done. Certainly if I can do that, there is clearly gettable scores. But if you go out and try and shoot 8-, 9-under par, it's not going to happen. You got to try and take it one at a time, try and pick apart the par-5s as best you can, birdie the drivable hole, and there you are already starting 3-, 4-, 5-under par, and try and get looks on the rest of the holes.

That's my goal on an easy golf course, is to break it down and simplify it. Just say, listen, I've chance I get is a win and hopefully I read the greens well and make some putts. That's basically all you can do.

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