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October 3, 2024

Henrik Norlander

Jackson, Mississippi, USA

Country Club of Jackson

Quick Quotes

Q. Off early, 6-under for the day. Assess your round.

HENRIK NORLANDER: Yeah, it was pretty good. Yeah, I drove it all right and putted nice and hit some good iron shots.

Had a rough afternoon yesterday. Sort of had a little migraine and didn't feel very good this morning. Sort of released on the first tee, the 10th hole, my first hole.

But it sort of -- I got something in my neck. Wasn't sure I was going to be able to pull it back on my first hole. Felt all right, and the longer we went the looser I got, so I'm all right.

Q. When to you start then feeling better?

HENRIK NORLANDER: I felt like, yeah, first shot it didn't hurt. Just hurt setting up to it. Didn't hurt really when I swung, so I sort of calmed down then.

After three, four holes, started to feel more normal.

Q. It I think eighth start here. Playoff last year; multiple Top 5s. What do you like about this course?

HENRIK NORLANDER: I think it's like not a long course, not a short course, it's just really fair. Like if you hit it in the fairway -- you can say that about a lot of courses, but if you hit it in the fairway here you got a decent look at every hole.

If you hit it in the rough even on short holes with wedges it's hard to get close. Greens are pure. It's a fun golf course to play. Old school.

Q. Talking with Luke List earlier that you guys came together, came out here early and Monday over dinner decided to donate money, $3,000 for the day. Talk about how that came about.

HENRIK NORLANDER: Yeah, felt like we needed to do something. We're pretty fortunate, both of us. Luke had a little damage to his house, but not too bad. I had nothing; family is healthy. We were pretty fortunate we were in Jackson playing on the PGA TOUR. Just tried to help out a little bit we can. Hopefully some business leaders and other people in Augusta take our backs and help out people that need it.

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