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October 3, 2024

Darren Fichardt

St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland

Quick Quotes

Q. Thoughts on the day?

DARREN FICHARDT: That was good. That was sweet. I started with a birdie on my first hole, the 10th hole, and then I hit a really poor three-putt the next hole. I was like oh, my goodness, it's going to be a grind today, and then made like a 100-foot putt for eagle on the next hole, and then the train just kept on going.

It was really, really nice for everything just to fall like that.

Q. When you walk off 7 green, what's on your mind? Did you know the score? Did you think, this could be interesting?

DARREN FICHARDT: Yeah, I started thinking to myself, is this a par 73 or 72? Because I know Gracey shot 60 the one year. I was trying to figure out what the par was, but I just kept on going and trying to do what I was doing.

Yeah, that would have been nice. That would have been nice, a little 59 on this track.

Q. We're both of a certain age, where you see these youngsters booming it miles. When you come to a course like this, is it more of a test of your shot making? Does it help you?

DARREN FICHARDT: Absolutely. You come to a track like this, then technology doesn't really matter. Of course the ball hops a little bit. It doesn't move as much as the old ball did.

But this is a lot more shot-making, a lot more strategy off the tees, a lot more 3-woods, 5-woods, 2-irons. I don't think age is such a disadvantage on a tournament like this to be honest.

Q. I wasn't saying you were old. But you've got to get three more rounds in. You've got to get to St Andrews. Where next and what are you looking forward to?

DARREN FICHARDT: Next is St Andrews, and yeah, I love the Old Course, but I really enjoy Carnoustie. I'm excited for Carnoustie.

Q. Look at this weather, it's perfect?

DARREN FICHARDT: It's a good track. Not a long track. Positional course, and the greens are always really good. I'm excited.

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