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October 1, 2024

Luis Severino

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

American Family Field

New York Mets

Postgame Press Conference

Mets - 8, Brewers - 4

Q. Luis, how would you describe the course of today's game for you?

LUIS SEVERINO: It was a grind since the first inning. I feel like I made good pitches, just they were getting -- they were hitting the ball to good spots. I know we've got a good team. I just needed to keep competing and keep leaving the game like that and hopefully we're going to come back.

Q. Mendoza said that towards the end there you really locked in, retiring your final eight. What does that mean for you? What happened when you were able to get in that type of a groove?

LUIS SEVERINO: I talked to Hef and the other guys and asked what I needed to change, and they told me just stay there. I was doing a good job, just keep throwing the ball. That's what I did.

I think the first inning, I got a lot of, I would say, bad luck out there, and they were not attacking the zone. So after that we tried to attack the zone and make good pitches.

Q. After the fourth inning, did you think that your start was over. Were there any words exchanged between you and Mendoza?

LUIS SEVERINO: I thought I was out, yeah. He told me, you know, he say whatever, you can get me, let's go batter by batter. I went into the fifth inning and it was really quick, so he say the same thing about the next inning.

Q. Then just as a pitcher, going back to the bench and watching your team make those comebacks, how do you control your emotions and kind of stay in the zone so you can go back out there and pitch again?

LUIS SEVERINO: For me, I just try to enjoy being in the playoffs. We've been having games like that for a little bit. We've got good guys out there, good hitters.

Like I said, I was enjoying the game, watching the guys hit, but also I was talking to Alvarez and Hef about what should I do to keep in the game?

Q. You said you thought you were maybe done after four innings. Was it something anybody said to you, or was it just the course of the game you kind of thought maybe they'd yank you?

LUIS SEVERINO: I think just the pitches, the pitch count, I feel like I threw a lot of pitches. It was a tight game out there. After we score a couple more runs, I say, no, maybe I got a couple more innings out there.

But like Mendoza said, we did a better job getting hitters out, making pitches, and we got through the six innings.

Q. After the long top of the fifth inning, your walk to the mound in the bottom of the fifth seems very slow. How were you feeling physically at that point after a long four innings and a long rally?

LUIS SEVERINO: I was a little beat up, I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to lie. But the guys give me a lot of time to rest that I needed there, and I was able to come back.

Q. Seve, considering how beat up the bullpen has been recently, what does it mean for you that you did get those six outs when maybe you didn't even think you would be in the game?

LUIS SEVERINO: I think, not even for me, but the bullpen appreciate that. When they came to the dugout, they were really happy about me getting those six innings, coming back out there and trying to grind through that outing.

I knew that Diaz wasn't going to be available tonight, so anything I could do to help the bullpen, I would do it.

Q. Luis, it would have been very easy for a team to let down after the emotions of yesterday. What did you see in the group overall that you think allowed you guys to come out the way that you did tonight?

LUIS SEVERINO: I think we're not satisfied. We know the potential that we have in that clubhouse, and we want to go out there, and we're going to fight. We're going to fight until the end, and hopefully that end is going to be hopefully win the World Series.

Q. Can you talk about what these last 24 hours have been like specifically for you, kind of yesterday, not necessarily knowing whether you were going Game 2? Obviously the game goes back and forth, and obviously they end up winning. What that's been like for you?

LUIS SEVERINO: All I can say, I've been ready since yesterday. So I get ready today. Yesterday I got ready like three times. I was hoping not to get in that game, but then I was like -- it was looking like I was going to pitch and then not and then yes. It was crazy.

But we got to Milwaukee, I got my mind on pitching this game and coming here and competing.

Q. You mentioned about being ready several times yesterday. What does that do to a pitcher? Like is it difficult then to come in today and try to start up all over again, or is it just like any other normal start?

LUIS SEVERINO: I mean for me, I feel like yesterday it was like -- they told me you're going to pitch, like a click. Somebody click, and your game right away, and they score a couple runs, and you turn it off. Then it was like okay, and then you have to turn it on again.

So today was again a really important game. Like I said before, I just needed to go out there and compete for my team and give it everything I got, and hopefully just give it a chance to win.

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