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September 29, 2024

Sahith Theegala

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Royal Montreal Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How does it feel?

SAHITH THEEGALA: It feels incredible. I can't even describe how it felt out there today. It was so intense in the morning, and even in the afternoon, every shot felt like it meant the world, and it did. Every shot meant the world.

You can never let the International Team in because they have so many talented guys over there and you can't give them any bit of light or any bit of hope.

Just really proud of the guys. I saw a different side of the guys, and these guys are so good. They're ballers and they're beasts. It feels so good to be on a winning side on my first one. I'm not going to take this week for granted. I've made some brothers for life. It's definitely something I'm never going to forget.

Q. Can you describe the experience the entire week, not just the action but in the room there with the guys?

SAHITH THEEGALA: Yeah, it's incredible. Joking with each other, getting to see a side of the guys that you don't really get to see personality-wise. You really get to know them. You see each other on the golf course a lot and are buddies with guys, but you're not -- you don't necessarily know a lot about them. I got to see a different side of the guys.

It was just a blast. All the wives were so supportive, and we had an awesome staff. I never thought I would get so close with the staff or scouts and our assistant captains, guys on the PGA TOUR that handle all the Presidents Cup stuff.

Just having a team that strong, that many people and all united for one goal is incredible. The bus rides, the dinners, everything, the laughs, it's just -- it exceeded my expectations. I had an expectation for what a week like this would be like, and it really exceeded those.

Q. Is this going to help your game, this experience?

SAHITH THEEGALA: Oh, 100 percent. It's a different kind of nerves. Now you're playing for your country. Not much matches the nerves that you feel out here. You want it so bad for your country, and I think I got my first one out of the way, and again, I'm never going to take it for granted.

I just want to grind harder to hopefully be able to play on another team. Yeah, just makes me want to grind that much harder.

It's crazy to see how good these guys are when it comes to crunch time, man. I was so nervous hitting some of the shots and didn't pull them off the way I wanted to, but still an incredible week and incredible learning experience. My game can only get better after experiencing something like this.

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