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September 29, 2024

Mike Weir

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Royal Montreal Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Alongside Mike Weir. I know you haven't won the Cup this time around, but I also know how much you've put into this, not just you but your entire team. What will you take away from this experience at home in Canada?

MIKE WEIR: It was really an incredible experience. Like you said, our whole staff, the players, wives, caddies, support staff, incredible family vibe and there's a lot of love. The crowds were incredible. They were just so supportive of our guys for all the players.

I take a lot away from this. We're close. A lot of these matches were so close. It's disappointing not to get a win. We put our team together to win this thing, and when you don't get a win, it's disappointing, but a lot of great things to take away.

Q. When you reflect, is there anything that you might have done differently?

MIKE WEIR: Oh, of course I'm going to be thinking about things I would have done differently. I think that's human nature, when you don't win, you're going to look at yourself in the mirror and see what you could have done different, no doubt about it. I have plenty of time to do that after.

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