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September 29, 2024

Sam Burns

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Royal Montreal Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You just toughed out that tie against Tom Kim. Describe the difficulty of that up-and-down.

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I should have never put myself there. I struggled today with my irons. I didn't really strike it great. But yeah, it was a tough match. I knew it was going to be tough against Tom. He's a great player and a great competitor.

It was a difficult chip. There was a lot of variables there, up and over that slope, and needed to put some spin and some height on it. It was a nice up-and-down.

Q. You told me yesterday you needed a football helmet to compete in the Presidents Cup. What kind of emotion did this week bring out in you?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, the majority of the people out here are not rooting for us, and we knew that coming in. We tried to embrace it, use it as fuel. Overall I think we did a good job of that. We've got a long ways to go here this afternoon, but I'm proud of our guys.

Q. Was there any consideration on a good-good or was it too personal at that point.

SAM BURNS: No, you've got to make those.

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