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September 29, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Rogers, Arkansas, USA

Pinnacle Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Stacy, an end of this week's Walmart NW Arkansas Championship. Just overall, how do you take away what you called your last event of this year?

STACY LEWIS: It was good. I mean, honestly probably better than I thought it was going to be. Just always love coming back here and being here, and getting to play here for the last 18 years, really been an honor.

So just excited for some time off and finish up a good week.

Q. Definitely some good scores out there by former Razorbacks. I think all of them making the cut this year including yourself. Overall what have you seen out of the Razorbacks that have come up through the LPGA this week and also in Maria Marin?

STACY LEWIS: I think you see the effects of this tournament, and having the ability to play in this as amateurs, getting the experience to play with professionals, these three specifically, are prime examples of what a tournament like this does for a community.

And so just the way that all of them are supported here, no matter where they're from, it's really a homecoming for us and a week we look forward to.

Q. How excited are you to rest?

STACY LEWIS: I'm very excited. Looking forward to some time off, being home, getting to spend time with my daughter. Just kind of recharge and get my golf game back where I want it to be for 2025.

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