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September 28, 2024

Collin Morikawa

Sam Burns

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Royal Montreal Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Collin, you've played in all four sessions. What has this competition brought out in you this week?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Just being a dog. I think you've heard a few of our players say that, but honestly, we never took Friday lightly. We just came out and had no effort in there. We just weren't playing good golf. They played great.

We woke up today with a little bit of fierceness. Sam and I partnered last year in the Ryder Cup, and I like having Sam as a partner.

Q. Sam, I know you're a big fan of college football. What's it like mixing it up in this atmosphere?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, sometimes out here I wish I could put some pads on and a helmet. But I love playing golf with this guy right here. He's an absolute killer, absolute dog.

We knew it was going to be a tough match. We knew two Canadians up here amongst their friends. Today Collin and I talked about it's not about them, it's about us. Let's go out and stick to our process, stick to our routines, play hard. We knew it was going to be tough, and that's what we did.

Q. It was a tremendous fight, and it wasn't just coming down the stretch. It started early. The Canadians came out hot, you fought back, silenced the crowd and it just stayed back and forth the entire day.

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Yeah, honestly, I was never worried. I felt like Sam and I were at least going to get to 18 with a tie. Just had a lot of confidence in my partner. This guy hit some great drives, hit some great putts. I'd love to see all those putts he made and just kind of sleep on that into tomorrow.

It's just nice knowing that if I hit the green and give him something inside 15 feet, he's got a good look at it.

Q. Sam, fun partnership, and did you feel the same way out there? Did you feel like that back and forth, this is going all the way regardless?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, they got off to a great start and we were playing well. I think we knew it was going to be tough. We knew we were going to have to match their energy and the crowd's energy.

This guy has got no quit in him. He's a killer. I love getting to play alongside him and be his partner.

Q. A big point for you guys at the end.

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Huge. Mac and Corey played some great golf. They've been playing great golf, especially in this alternate shot form, and they showed it today, starting off 3-under through 3. We had to fight for us and we knew that, but we focused on ourselves and made a lot of crucial birdies in the middle part of the round.

Q. Sam, how would you describe this whole day?

SAM BURNS: I loved hearing stuff like that all day. They think it's going to mess us up, but it only fuels us. We knew it was going to be tough. We knew it was going to be a hostile environment, and I feel like we embraced it. We knew it was going to be a tough fight, and I love being partners with this guy.

Q. Ultimately what do you feel like the difference was in this match today?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, going into today we talked about it's not about them, this is about us. We're not going to get caught up in the crowd and all the stuff going on around us. We wanted to go out there and match their energy.

We knew it was going to be tough, but it's great playing with a guy like this who's got no quit in him. He's a dog. I really enjoyed it.

Q. Collin, you guys won the morning session, played well in the afternoon. What did you and your teammates show each other today?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: That we can fight. We have to. It doesn't matter if there's a lot of yellow up there, a lot of red. Nothing is given. Nothing is easy in this format, especially just in any of these formats. That's why it's match play. That's why it's exciting.

I think we're showing a lot of fight, but hopefully we can get these one or two points the last couple matches here and head into Sunday ready to fight again.

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