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September 28, 2024

Mike Weir

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Royal Montreal Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Mike, not quite the morning you wanted. What did you take from this morning's four-ball session?

MIKE WEIR: I think like I said all along, it's the ebbs and flows. We had massive ebbs and flows the first two days, and this was a little more -- the close matches out there. But we're still in a good spot. It wasn't ideal, but the guys are ready for this afternoon. No problem.

Q. Three of your pairings had those big wins yesterday afternoon. They played again this morning, they're playing again this afternoon, meaning you're sitting the same four players for both sessions today. What was the reason behind that?

MIKE WEIR: They're playing well. We like the matchups, we like the pairings, and we're rolling with it.

Q. Were they aware of that at the start of the day?


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