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September 26, 2024

Patrick Cantlay

Sam Burns

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Royal Montreal Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Patrick, you guys went out (indiscernible) today. What kind of statement was that early on to get you guys going?

PATRICK CANTLAY: We made a bunch of birdies on the front nine and just enough to hold on the back.

Q. The board is covered in red, Sam. What kind of statement did Team USA make today?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, a huge one. We're in enemy territory, and we knew coming in today the fans are going to be rooting for them.

I know one thing, Patrick Cantlay is a dog. Patrick Cantlay is really good at golf, and I love playing golf with him.

Q. With the victorious team. Well done guys. Really fun to watch you all day.

Let's start on the front side. Patrick, it started with a huge putt, I think, at 2. You were in there tight. The International Team's got kick-ins. You poured in right on top of them. Kind of made a statement early.

PATRICK CANTLAY: Both sides got off to a fast start. We made a bunch of birdies on the front nine and kind of set the tone, and then played solid on the back.

Q. Sam, I'll go to 13 with you. I felt that was the real turning point. I felt like this match could go either way. When we got to 13, you hulked up, man. That was a fist pump. You had the veins popping. How big is that birdie at 13?

SAM BURNS: Typically this format is going to come down to making a birdie on a really hard hole. Fortunately for us, we did that there.

Patrick played incredible today. I was rooting him on all day long and trying to help out whenever he needed me. We had a blast out there today. It was a lot of fun.

Q. Corey made that early birdie to get the International Team up, but you guys persevered. Five birdies by you, three birdies by you, Sam, to ultimately get the win. How were you able to turn the tide on this match?

PATRICK CANTLAY: We got off to a fast start, made a bunch of birdies on the front nine. Then Sam with a clutch birdie on 13. That was really pivotal in our match.

We both played well, but it was a tough match.

Q. We're used to seeing you two play with different partners. Today you guys worked really well. What is the chemistry that you guys have on the golf course, Sam?

SAM BURNS: I love being around Pat. He's a great guy. He's fun to play golf with. He's fun to hang out with. He's really, really good.

I just had my pom-poms out, rooting him on, trying to help out whenever he needed me. I love hanging out with this guy, and I love being his partner even more.

Q. You're going to love hanging out in the team room tonight, but you're going to have a pretty good advantage going into tomorrow's matches. What kind of statement of confidence does this make?

PATRICK CANTLAY: We're obviously on the road. The last couple road games have been close. I think it's a huge statement. I think we need to build on that tomorrow.

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