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September 24, 2024

Sam Burns

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Royal Montreal Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Everyone has their role to play. What's your role this week?

SAM BURNS: Having fun.

Q. So you're the fun guy?

SAM BURNS: I'm the fun guy.

Q. Can you give some labels to other guys on the team?

SAM BURNS: I'm trying to think. That's tough. I would say Scottie would probably be like the class clown.

Q. You're bringing the fun; who's bringing the energy?

SAM BURNS: Probably Sahith brings some good energy. Xander, Tony. I'd say those two.

Q. Is there a guy who never shuts up about one thing or something is doing something that's --

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I can't think of anything off the top of my head. I'm sure there is someone, though.

Q. (Indiscernible).

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I think it's having a good idea of what the league looks like leading up to it. I was talking to Russ the other day, it's easy to get caught up in everything that's going on around you, the fans and just everything that this week entails. I think for me, just making sure I'm doing the things I need to do leading up to the tournament to be ready to play.

Q. Did you arrive Saturday or Sunday?

SAM BURNS: Saturday afternoon.

Q. What's it been like as far as having time to prep?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, it's been great. I think obviously these weeks, there's obligations that we have, and your time is -- it's not a normal week where your time is kind of what you want it to be and you can kind of do whatever. I think the extra day was really good, just to be able to play 18 holes on Sunday and just kind of take our time, no fans out there, and really kind of get a good feel for the golf course.

Q. Before the Playoffs, did you feel safe? Did you feel not sure about your chances?

SAM BURNS: Obviously at that point I wasn't thinking a ton about it. I was just trying to finish the season strong. I knew I was close to playing some good golf, and that usually takes care of these opportunities and picks. So yeah, my hope was to go out and play well and earn my spot.

Q. How thick is the rough?

SAM BURNS: I wouldn't say it's crazy. I'd say it's spotty in some spots. You can get one that's pretty good, you can get one that's pretty thick. It's just a little different.

Q. Can you maybe elaborate on (indiscernible) when something clicks with a particular player? Would you go to Captain Furyk and say there was something special that happened?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I think the captains are so involved that they know. They know what's going on. They know -- I wouldn't say there was anybody on this team that doesn't click as well with someone else. I think we're all a really close bunch.

Q. You can play with anybody?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, you can play with anyone. I think anybody would feel comfortable playing with anybody on the team.

Q. (Indiscernible).

SAM BURNS: I think just having that card in my hand. I feel like you work really hard and you always dream as a kid of being a PGA TOUR player, so when that moment comes true and you see the actual card, that was pretty cool.

Q. On your team, whose swing are you most jealous of?

SAM BURNS: Whose swing? I'm trying to think. Russell Henley swings it great. It's really smooth, and he hits it pretty much dead straight every time, so I would say that one.

Q. Who's most likely to be late on the team?

SAM BURNS: Scottie for sure.

Q. Who's the least likely to pass (indiscernible)?

SAM BURNS: Probably Patrick. We just have different tastes in music.

Q. What's the best piece of advice for playing foursomes?

SAM BURNS: I would say when your partner just tells you they don't really care where you hit it or what you do, just go play. Not worrying about letting the other person down, I think.

Q. What is your favorite thing about America?

SAM BURNS: Favorite thing about America? Bald eagles.

Q. Who is the funniest guy on the team?

SAM BURNS: Other than myself? Russell is kind of a sleeper pick, but he's really funny. He's funny.

Q. (Indiscernible).

SAM BURNS: Just trying to help out mom as much as I can. It's been fun. It's great to have them here, obviously. Kind of makes life on the road feel a little more like home.

Q. Is it a boy?

SAM BURNS: Boy, yeah.

Q. Do you take him to every tournament?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, they've been to just about every one so far.

Q. Any travel hookup for the child?

SAM BURNS: Other than a few blowouts in the car seat, that's about it.

Q. Have you had to change him in like an airport --

SAM BURNS: Oh, yeah, everywhere. Back of the car. There's no place that you have shame about changing a diaper.

Q. Do you have separate hotel rooms?

SAM BURNS: No, he's in our room.

Q. What is the chemistry like between caddies and players?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, all those guys are all our friends. We hang out with them most weeks of the year, so it feels pretty normal having them be a part of the team because they are part of the team. They're a huge part of the team. It's really fun. We love all those guys, and they're a good time. It's been a blast.

Q. (Indiscernible).

SAM BURNS: I'm trying to think. Yeah, I mean, I feel like at the Ryder Cup we had one room. Maybe the lockers were a little bit different just with the space, but this week all the lockers are in one room.

Q. Do you think it's beneficial to have all 24 guys --

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I think it's great. As you said, we're all part of the same team, and to be able to spend time together and talk about certain holes or certain shots and stuff like that, I think it makes it easier.

Q. Who's your role model and why?

SAM BURNS: Who's my role model just in general? I'd probably say my dad.

Q. Why is that?

SAM BURNS: Just always looked up to him. He's a great father, great family man, always put his family first. Hopefully I can one day be half as good of a dad as he is.

Q. Do you feel any obligation to be a role model yourself?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, for sure. I think there's a lot of kids that watch golf and kids that want to play on the PGA TOUR one day. I can remember being a kid and having guys out here that I looked up to and wanted to be like. I think it's important to try to set a good example.

Q. Was there any point when you were a kid that you saw a pro that really influenced you, like I should do that if --

SAM BURNS: Yeah, fortunately I got to grow up with David Toms and their family, so I spent a lot of time with him and watched him practice a lot and would go to tournaments and watch him. I can remember kind of watching him practice from a distance, and whenever he would leave and go do something else, I would try to go behind him and try to do whatever he was doing.

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