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September 22, 2024

Caleb Surratt

Dallas, Texas, USA

Maridoe Golf Club

Legion XIII

Quick Quotes

Q. You guys gave it a heck of an effort given that you were down an individual champion.

CALEB SURRATT: Yeah, you know, I think we fought hard all week. Obviously John Catlin is an incredible player, but there's probably only two people in the world that are on the same planet as Jon. It's definitely a tough loss for us, but we still stepped it up, played some great golf without him, and it was good to see, especially going into next year.

Q. Is it easy or hard to not play the what-if game?

CALEB SURRATT: Yeah, I mean, it is tough because you've got to think, like -- I don't know, everybody fought hard. I think knowing Jon's record, if he goes out there and shoots 4- or 5-under, then we're in a good spot. But sometimes that's just how it works, and that was our circumstance that was given to us this week, and we tried to handle it the best we can, and that's the name of our game.

Q. Your first year on LIV you got to experience the podium ceremonies.

CALEB SURRATT: Yeah, it was fun. Got to learn a lot.

Q. How would you sum it up?

CALEB SURRATT: Yeah, it was good. I think I had to learn a lot. I had to learn stuff the hard way on the golf course, not with all the results that I wanted, but for the most part it was a great year, a great learning curve, and I hope to come out guns blazing next year.

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