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September 21, 2024

Brad Keselowski

Bristol, Tennessee

Pit Lane Interview

Q. Brad, not enough to advance to the next round. It seemed like it was a struggle all night for you guys. What more did you need?

BRAD KESELOWSKI: I think that's pretty fair to say. Didn't have the pace we needed out of our Castrol Ford. We ran as hard as we could, but there wasn't anything there. Executed what we had to execute with on pit road, and took the chances we needed to take. But just got to be faster.

Q. When you look at this season as a whole, you got back to Victory Lane, Chris has been strong. Is the trajectory of this team on path with where you want it to be? How do you view that?

BRAD KESELOWSKI: Yeah, we don't want to just make the playoffs, we want to go deep in the playoffs, and obviously we didn't do that this year, so we've got to keep working and find more pace.

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