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September 19, 2024

Jeeno Thitikul

Maineville, Ohio, USA

TPC River's Bend

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Jeeno, first round here at the Kroger Queen City Championship presented by P&G. Really good round under your belt and near the top of the leaderboard. Tell me about the day.

JEENO THITIKUL: Pretty good day out there. I mean, it's shiny, sunny out there, so I mean, the ball striking was pretty good today.

Play alongside Nelly who hits bombs. She's obviously playing great golf. It's just like kind of kept me trying to kind of motivated to play out there as well.

Q. You two were sort of competing out there, having fun you think?

JEENO THITIKUL: Yeah, we having fun. I mean, yeah, we talk a lot, too, so, yeah, it's kind of fun.

Q. Seven birdies; of those seven birdies, which stick out in your mind most from today?

JEENO THITIKUL: I think it's kind of like the ball striking was pretty good today, and also the putter, it is also on the point.

Yeah, just had some that's miss putt, but like still in contention and then rolling pretty good. The green is in good condition, like good shape, too, to play as well.

Q. Four of those birdies came in a five-hole stretch. When you get on a run like that, what's going through your head?


Q. Yeah.

JEENO THITIKUL: I don't know. I didn't count anything at all. I try like every hole -- I think it's kind of makable here, like the course-wise, even on the par-5. I mean, it's reachable in each par-5 that we have out here.

If you can see a really five or six straight birdie in a row, you know, nothing to do with that because it's makeable for this course.

I'm trying to make it every hole or every putt that I have, so that's pretty much how, yeah, came up with that.

Q. You played really well at FM. How did you maintain that momentum and be coming into this week with that week off?

JEENO THITIKUL: I think why I play well is also my mindset is kind of relaxed. Everything is kind of (indiscernible,) so that's why it's kept playing such a relaxing, enjoyable like golf.

So just kind of make me like playing good, not like put pressure on myself that much. So, yeah, just trying to be -- just keep like playing some good golf out there.

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