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September 19, 2024

Nelly Korda

Maineville, Ohio, USA

TPC River's Bend

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Nelly Korda after her first round at the Kroger Queen City Championship presented by P&G. Clean scorecard today. How was it working out there for you?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it was good. I mean, I actually left -- I putted really well on the back nine. Hit a couple lips here and there. Overall, you know, I'm never going to complain about a bogey-free round.

It was a good first day out.

Q. How is the energy level feeling now that you have one round under your belt, got a couple good nights of sleep hopefully?

NELLY KORDA: I'm looking forward to the stay-in-bed-all-day vibe today. It was definitely tough kind of waking up this morning, but I do love competing and I love being out here.

You know, seeing all the fans come out too definitely motivates you.

So overall, you know, everyone that played last week is going to be tired. I'm just trying to take it one step at a time, know that my energy levels aren't the greatest, but I'm still motivated and 100%.

Q. Conditions on this golf course, kind of knew it was going to play a little softer in the morning with all that water. Did that hold up to your expectations?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it's funky. Some parts of the fairways are really soft. If you hit into some parts you won't get any roll, but you'll get a springboard all of a sudden. Just depends on the bounce and where you hit it.

But overall, yeah, what I was kind of playing towards Tuesday; I played in the afternoon and then I had a morning pro-am, so I got to see both sides of the day.

Yeah, what's kind of what we were projecting, going to play a little softer, you could be a little more aggressive in the morning; and then the afternoon, I think they're projecting pretty high temps today and tomorrow; it was definitely warming up.

So it's going to get firmer out here.

Q. And just getting off to a good start, building on the next three days with the level of exhaustion, does it give you good energy heading into the next three rounds?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, for sure. Any single time you get to play a bogey-free round I feel like, one, it's super encouraging and a little bit motivating because there is just no greater feeling than minimizing your mistakes or making no mistakes.

That's what's so fun about golf. Golf is the game of misses, right? You're always going to make mistakes. Whenever you get to play a bogey-free round I feel like it motivates you, and hopefully I can take that energy into the next three days.

Q. Putted really well lately. How nice was it to see some putts drop finally the last week and even today?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, no, it feels really nice. You know, it's something that you continue to work on. I mean, everyone works on every part of their game, and sometimes when you work really hard on one part of your game it takes a while for it to show.

It's really nice for it to show now.

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