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September 19, 2024

Nelly Korda

Jeeno Thitikul

Maineville, Ohio, USA

TPC River's Bend


Q. Here alongside Nelly Korda and Jeeno Thitikul. These two playing together today, riding off some momentum. How would you describe your start today?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean, it was good. Never going to complain about a bogey-free round, especially after last week. It was kind of (indiscernible)today as well. Felt good. It was nice playing alongside Jeeno. Playing really good golf.

Q. Right here at the top of the leaderboard. How would you describe this course as a new venue for this tournament this year?

JEENO THITIKUL: I mean, yeah, we play here for the first time. It's pretty (indiscernible). Nelly is playing really good golf out there. We trying to like keep going. So I mean, TPC always nice, as we just know.

And, yeah, just great to be here in Cincinnati.

Q. Nelly, we were just talking a moment ago, just dealing with exhaustion from last week. How are you managing the energy levels?

NELLY KORDA: Spending a lot more time in bed. Waking up this morning was a little tough, but I love competing and playing out here, so obviously that keeps me motivated. Playing alongside someone playing so well also motivates me.

So it was fun, but definitely looking forward to my week off next week.

Q. Jeeno, with the start you had here, what are you going to have to do well on this course to do well the next three days?

JEENO THITIKUL: I, mean, this course you can play really, like low score, so I think if you keep the ball on the green and (indiscernible.)

I think the front nine played firmer than the back nine. So, yeah, front nine got a little bit of work on.

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