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September 19, 2024

Polly Mack

Maineville, Ohio, USA

TPC River's Bend

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here now with Polly Mack after her first round here at the Kroger Queen City Championship presented by P&G. Slow start with a double on 10, but really picked it up; nine birdies on the card. Just take us through the round today.

POLLY MACK: Yeah, started a little rough, but honestly, I took it as an opportunity to kind of bounce back and show myself that I can stay mentally strong.

I've been working with my coach on that, and, yeah, it's really cool to see that working out on the scorecard.

Honestly, I also thought I have had this one crazy round in college, regionals, where I started double bogey, bogey and I shot 7-under that round. It can always happen again, right?

So I was just thinking back to that. Had a caddie that was always in a good mindset as well so that helped. Yeah, some good putts. Some good shots into greens that helped. Had a good feel out there for my irons, and, yeah, overall, really happy with it.

Q. What were maybe some of those things that you and your coach worked on and what were you telling yourself to help you calm down and really get yourself back on track for the round you had?

POLLY MACK: Just kind of thinking positive and taking things from a different perspective. Basically, like I just said, as an opportunity and not in a small picture but a bigger picture, okay, this was a double on the first hole; there will be situations like this. It will not always good smooth from the beginning.

Yeah, just take this as a moment and just, yeah, see what I can do from that basically.

Q. What have you made of TPC River's Bend? Nine birdies; you must like it a lot. What is it about this course this maybe brings out some of your strengths?

POLLY MACK: I think I can go for all par-5s. That always helps me. Two putt for birdie always is nice.

And yeah, some good irons. I think you need to have some good approach shots here. I don't think it's certainly a course that's easy. It's just my game that worked today.

Yeah, I'll keep working on that, and some putts that fall, yeah, is a little luck maybe here and there, too, especially that last putt on 9.

Q. Was there anything maybe you've been working on that you're now finally seeing come to fruition, you've been working at it and now it's really happening on the golf course?

POLLY MACK: Yeah, I've been working this whole entire year on certain things in my swing and certain things in my mindset. I think Portland was a good finish. That helped me to kind of see, okay, this is happening, this is working out.

Just a little push, and now it's kind of starting to roll in more constantly. So I think I can finally show the world out there that I'm here and I can play. (Laughter.)

Q. Last one from me: Obviously your second season here on tour. How much more different do you feel now compared to maybe when you started or even this time last year?

POLLY MACK: I'm getting more and more confident. I'm understanding the situation more. I'm like I said more in the bigger picture, seeing things not just as they are but maybe how they help me in the future as well.

But feeling confident on the courses that we come back to and understanding what I need to do prior to tournament rounds to really feel fully prepped.

Yeah, just really getting that whole routine in. That helps me be more confident out there.

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