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September 19, 2024

Yan Liu

Maineville, Ohio, USA

TPC River's Bend

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, I'm here with Yan Liu after her first round at the Kroger Queen City Championship presented by P&G. Really good round today. You sort of the got off with, what, eight straight pars and really turned it around. Just tell me about the round.

YAN LIU: Well, today my driver was very good. I think only miss one fairway, nearly just fairway I think. Today my irons good, too, and my putter was a little not very well front nine but very good back nine. I fight back.

So overall very good round.

Q. 3-under the last four holes. Just tell me about the finishing holes for you.

YAN LIU: Well No. 8 for me is -- well, I had a really good tee shot and like 239 to pin. I hit a really good 3-iron fade and just landed outside the green and keep rolling to the hole. It's like two yard for eagle putt.

Q. Nice.

YAN LIU: Yeah, so I got the eagle putt.

And the last hole was really good driver, too; very good second shot, like three yard for birdie. Yeah, I made a birdie, too.

Q. Nice. You made an ace last year at the Kenwood course. I know it's not the same golf course. What is it about this area that brings out your best golf?

YAN LIU: Well, I feel the weather is very good because I living in Orlando; a little humid for me. So here it's very good for me and the temperature is perfect this morning.

Yeah, the course a little -- I think a little harder than last year, yeah, because I think the rough is very challenge. The green, the facility is very good, the condition is very good.

Q. Out here is it playing pretty firm or still kind of soft in the morning?

YAN LIU: Well, I just talk about with my caddie, on front my ball is release more than back nine. Yeah. We don't figure out how. (Laughter.)

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