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September 19, 2024

Thomas Detry

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Quick Quotes


Q. 66 to start your account here at the BMW PGA, 3-under through the first four holes. Great start.

THOMAS DETRY: Yeah, I feel like it's out there. Certainly on this golf course, there's a couple of good chances. If you get off to a good start, like on 1, that's a tough hole, birdied that one, and after that, hole No. 4, very short par 5 and there's couple of chances here and there. It's nice to be early par early. I was 4-under through nine.

I thought the back nine was a little tougher with the wind from the north, northeast. Pretty much the whole back nine, so 10, the par 3, we usually hit 9-iron, 8-iron and today was a low, punch 6-iron.

The course is definitely playing trickier. Those last couple holes I managed to play well, 3-under.

Q. It must give you comfort you came in with three birdies.

THOMAS DETRY: Yes, that's what I was saying to my caddie walking down 18. Happy not to hit a long iron into the bunker. Obviously you have to judge the wind, it was an easy shot with a little wedge in my hand and not having to judge the wind with a 4-iron or 3-wood. It's definitely easier.

Today was probably a tough day. I haven't really looked at the scores but I think this afternoon the wind was definitely swirling. So I think it's a pretty decent score.

Q. We've missed you on the DP World Tour, and seeing you do great things, a big week at the Olympics and the U.S. PGA was a highlight. Do you feel like you come into this tournament with a renewed vigor?

THOMAS DETRY: I've had a good year in America. A bit disappointing not to reach TOUR Championship but overall very, very good. Secured that Top-50 which is big out there which allows me to come back home and play on the DP World Tour which is great.

So I'm hoping to finish the season off really well, and make it through to THE TOUR Championship.

Q. As big as this tournament is, feels like it's growing year-on-year, how are you enjoying the experience?

THOMAS DETRY: I was surprised how many people were out yesterday. It always has a great vibe. Feels like we are catching the last breath of summer as well. End of September in England is always a little bit iffy, but today and tomorrow, looks great, and looking forward to seeing a lot of people out there.

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