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September 18, 2024

Rose Zhang

Maineville, Ohio, USA

TPC River's Bend

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, joined now by Rose Zhang here at the Kroger Queen City Championship presented by P&G.

Rose, coming off an amazing Solheim Cup. Been a couple days. What have you been able to digest and reflect on from last week?

ROSE ZHANG: It's still been a little hard to digest I think coming off a high, especially at Solheim and being with the entire team, us winning and celebrating.

It's just been a dream week. I couldn't be more thankful to create relationships with such incredible people. They've inspired me on and off the golf course.

Now coming into this week I've just been trying to catch a little bit up on the rest and just very light preparation to start off.

But the course is looking incredible. You know, I'm just ready to try my best and stay present, play some good golf, or as best I can.

Q. The two groups from last year to this year are in a very unique situation where you get to experience two-back-to back Solheim Cups. As a younger player who has experienced both now, what are some of the biggest differences you saw in yourself from '23 to '24 other than the venue?

ROSE ZHANG: 100%. When I was selected for Solheim last year it just came so quick, especially with just turning pro that summer and also playing Solheim that same summer.

I felt as if I was a little bit out of place and I wanted to do my best, so I put a lot of pressure to try and perform. That took a little bit of the fun part out of it.

This year, with a year under my belt, I was able to really let loose a little and become more comfortable with the team around me. And the team, it's been a little bit different this year where everyone was just collectively having such a good time. Caddies were letting loose and staying loose for us.

So we all just had such an amazing time. That's what we'd been commenting as well in the team room, so it's been really high vibes, which allowed me to go out there and just have a good time.

Q. Just shifting gears to this week, what have you made of TPC River's Bend and how does this course play to your strengths?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, seems like it's a ball-strikers' course as well. Greens are very slopey, equally quick, and you really need to know where to place the ball.

Utilizing the slopes to certain pin locations that I'm sure the officials are going to be placing, it makes for I guess more creativity when you're out there.

But I really like it. It's really testing. Should be a good week.

Q. This golf course, it has a lot of water on it. Not typical of what we often get on the LPGA. How do you mentally adjust when you can visually see so much water out there?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, visually seeing the water out here, I mean, I love it. I think it's super pretty here. You know, it's a different change in scenery. There is obviously a lot of hazard, a lot of places that you have to be careful of practice.

But at the same time, you have to find small targets, stay committed to your line and your swing and what preparation you put in prior.

So that's my biggest priority.

But the addition of a lot of different elements on this golf course definitely make for a more challenging test.

Q. Obviously you've got some big accomplishments already since turning professional. Where does last week rank for your in terms of career highlights?

ROSE ZHANG: That's a really good question. It was probably one of the best weeks of my entire career. I would like to say it definitely ranks in the Top 5, if not Top 3, simply because I've never been in front of that many crowds who are cheering you on, supporting Team USA.

It really made me feel so lucky to be out there. And be on this platform with women's golf going on a rise, you can significantly see that everyone is out here and just enjoying it.

It feels not like a golf tournament. We're playing golf, but we feel like we're in a basketball arena at that point. That's something I've never really experienced before.

Also being able to play while under that sort of pressure or that sort of support also was a new experience for me. I'm really proud of how I was able to handle myself and hopefully gave everyone a good show to watch.

Q. Definitely did that. Come into this week, obviously it's new week; you're back as an individual. What are some of the goals having to get yourself out of team play mode, back in LPGA competitive mode?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, keeping it simple and making sure I'm just focusing on what I need to do at hand is going to be super important.

I'm going to have to be really patient with myself, because once I'm back as an individual, you know, you have to place that responsibility on yourself to play as best you can.

So that's probably the biggest adjustment, is the mindset of just taking it one shot at a time. Because it's a quick turnaround, and coming off what a crazy week that last week was, my only goal is to just stay as present and patient as I can.

But also at the same time, finding that same enjoyment of playing my own game and having a good time with Olly.

Q. What was your travel like to get to this event after the victory party?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, so I got out Monday morning at 10:00. It was a pretty quick flight coming Cincy, straight direct.

I mean, I just didn't sleep that much. The adrenaline is high, everyone is just out late. I kind of just took it all in that night. I had to pack a lot of things. We had to get stuff shipped. It was a lot going on that Sunday night.

In general, I think I just took it low. I didn't do anything on that Monday. Got some Chik-fil-A and just stayed in my hotel room.

Q. If you put it zero to 100%, where would you put your energy levels right now?

ROSE ZHANG: My energy levels are definitely running in the lower 50s, just because I think not only was last week really taxing on the mental part of the game, but we were also functioning on five, six hours of sleep every single day.

We'd have 4:30 a.m. bus rides to get to the golf course. We're there the entire day playing the two matches, and then if you're not playing you're in the afternoon watching your teammates. (Mic cut out.)

Go home, 8:00. So you know, it's just been pretty busy on the sleep schedule. I'm trying to catch up at that point.

Q. Obviously not playing next week. Hopefully catch up and get ready for the Asian Swing. I know a big swing for a lot of players out here. For you, what are you most looking forward to from this week and into that stretch?

ROSE ZHANG: It will be really nice to just play and stay present with this event and then after, it's going to be extra nice to take a small breather, rest a little bit. I'm going to Asia a little bit earlier, I think this Friday to Shanghai, and my dad has a lot of family, friends, and my close relatives are also going to be there.

So it will be nice to reunite and say hi.

But I feel really excited to just play in Asia. Food is great. There is just a lot to do over there. So change in scenery.

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