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September 18, 2024

Charley Hull

Maineville, Ohio, USA

TPC River's Bend

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, I'm pleased to be joined by Charley Hull here in the media center at the Kroger Queen City Championship presented by P&G.

Charley, obviously a lot has been going on the last week. First question about the Solheim Cup. How are you feeling after last week? I know you played incredibly well. You must be tired after all that.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, I'm absolutely shattered. Not going to lie. Playing nine roles holes round this golf course today properly wore me out.

I literally got out of bed at like 20 past 8:00 and I was teeing off at 10 past 9:00. Literally just hit a couple balls on the range and just played. That will be me done for the day because I didn't get in until 2:00 this morning because I had to go to New York to do some sponsor stuff and media stuff.

Haven't seen the front of the golf course. My caddie walked it. That's about it really.

Q. Coming into this event, I know you were runner-up last year. Can you tell us about your memories of the course and playing this course? Minjee said yesterday she had a lot of fun last year in the playoff.

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, it was a lot of fun last year in the playoff. Obviously it's a different golf course this year. I really just enjoyed the golf course last year. It was a great, great golf course.

Yeah, I hit a really good putt in the playoff and just half a roll from going in. No, it was good fun playing against Minjee in the playoff.

Then I've only seen the back nine holes of this golf course. Looks a good golf course. I hope they don't put the tees up because there is quite a few like nice mid-iron shots in which kind of benefits the longer hitter.

I think this is going to be a good, fun golf course this week, as long as I'm not too tired.

Q. How do the energy and the good vibes of Solheim Cup sort of the translate into the week after?

CHARLEY HULL: Well, Solheim Cup is a pretty long week because of -- it's not just the golf. It's all the media and commitments we have to do from Monday to Thursday.

So I think like the longest I slept to that week was I think 4:30 because the busses was leaving at 4:30 or like 6:00, 7:00, so it was a pretty early start every week.

And then the adrenaline from the weekend. Obviously I played all five matches I had loads of adrenaline, and now I feel like I am in a bit of a comedown because I'm just so tired.

I think I'm just going to take it easy for the rest of day, no practice, and just chill and trust my caddie tomorrow on the front nine.

Q. You and Nelly kind ribbed each other a little bit on social media. Pretty cool to see game recognizing game. What does that match win on Sunday mean to you over the world No. 1, and what did it mean to be able to go back and forth with her on social just to have fun with each other?

CHARLEY HULL: It was really, really good. I love playing against Nelly. She's probably my favorite player to play against on the LPGA Tour. And Lilia as well. When I play them two, I really enjoy playing with them two girls.

To play against Nelly in the Sunday of the singles, Suzann said to me, she come up to me in the morning and she goes, Nelly is playing really good, but I still think you can compete with her. Just go out there.

Like I love playing with Nelly. I feel like we got quite similar games. Both quite aggressive, both hit the ball pretty well. Just went out there and I had a kind of score in my head to shoot. Thought if I played 18 holes 8-, 9-under par, against Nelly probably going to be good match and going to win.

On this golf course you can make a lot of birdies. I think was 7-under after 14 holes and that was good enough. I played pretty solid. It was just great. If I'm playing against Nelly, I just really enjoy it out there. I did what I had to do. Yeah, I feel like that -- my mindset going into that day, I was super focused, and I feel like that's why I'm pretty tired.

Q. Heading into this golf course, it does look pretty gettable out there. I know you've only seen half of it. Does it free up you have up to be more aggressive when it's gettable and maybe a little softener the mornings?

CHARLEY HULL: Yeah, 100%. I think there is quite a few birdie chances out there as well. Plays into longer hitter's hands. It's quite a nice golf course. I like Cincinnati. There is a lot of things to do in the town as well, so it's just nice to be here.

Then I fly home Sunday night and I just can't wait to see my boyfriend. I miss him. It's been like two weeks away from each other after being in the Europe Swing where you get to see each other every day.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to going home now.

Q. This golf course has quite a bit of visual water on it, maybe not come-into-play water. Do you switch your mindset when you see this much water on a golf course? We don't play a ton of watery golf courses.

CHARLEY HULL: I don't know if I wasn't concentrating out there today, but I don't remember seeing any water. Only hole I saw water on was the 17th hole. I probably wasn't focusing. I don't know if there is more on the front nine.

Yeah, I must just tired. I was just hitting the ball out there. Didn't really take too much in. I prefer a tree-lined golf course where water, when it's round the greens, can be a quite intimidating shot. Just got to trust yourself.

Q. Charley, I know looking ahead, 2026 is a couple years out, but who do you see as potential captains for the Europeans going forward?

CHARLEY HULL: I don't know really. I feel like -- I honestly feel that Mel Reid would make a great captain. When I knew she was going to be one of the assistant captains this time round I was absolutely buzzing. Mel is one of my favorite people on this planet.

She gets me; I get her. She's so much fun. She is a good laugh. She can be serious when she needs to be. She brings a lot of the atmosphere to the team. I feel like she would be a great captain.

And also Anna Nordqvist, but I feel like she should still be in the next Solheim Cup. I don't know if you can have a playing captain.

I don't know really. I don't take a look too much. It will be an interesting one.

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