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September 18, 2024

Nelly Korda

Maineville, Ohio, USA

TPC River's Bend

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: All right, very pleased to be joined by Nelly Korda here at the Kroger Queen City Championship presented by P&G.

Nelly, start with Solheim. Been a couple days since winning the Cup. What have you been able to digest and take away from that week?

NELLY KORDA: Gosh, it was such an unbelievable and crazy week. It was just overall so much fun with our caddies, with the assistants, Stacy, the helpers, with the girls, too.

That was my fourth Solheim Cup, and obviously it was sweeter to get the victory at the end of the week, but also such an amazing week with the girls.

So a dream come true for sure.

Q. You obviously have a very successful career. Where do you think the last week ranks among all your accomplishments?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, it's so different playing in a team environment. It's very hard to kind of compare the two. Definitely a lot -- maybe a little bit more fun I would say. I feel like you saw a lot of the girls fist pumping a lot more, pumping up the crowd and smiling and laughing.

At the end of the day it's just so different having a teammate out there that you can have fun with kind of in a sense and also rely on. It's just a little bit less pressure and a lot more fun.

So definitely one of the best feelings I've had on a golf course playing with a teammate. But they're just so different to compare.

Q. Moving on to this week, first start here in Kroger. What have you made of River's Bend so far?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, just played the front nine for the first time. It's a nice golf course. First time in Cincinnati. You can tell that maybe they've had a drier summer so they've really watered the golf course.

It's going to probably play a little firmer in the afternoon, a little softer in the mornings, depending on what they're going to do throughout the night, if they're going to water a little bit more.

Overall really nice golf course.

Q. What will you be able to take advantage of this week from the course?

NELLY KORDA: I would say you really have to strike it well. The greens are a little smaller than normal, so obviously if you're hitting it well, advantage off the tee in the mornings with it being softer is going to help.

But the greens are a little smaller and the greens do have, on the front nine, a little bit more undulation. So just hitting good shots into the greens is going to be key this week.

Q. Looked like when you were having so much fun last week you were playing some dang good golf.


Q. Does having that lighthearted attitude help your game and let you pull off some of those eagles you made and crazy shots you hit?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, for sure. It all comes together in a sense up. Never going to play good golf when you have a bad mindset or you're negative or too serious.

That's been the motto this year, is to keep it light on the golf course. Obviously I've only gotten two in the States, and Toledo was just a little different coming off maybe COVID, and then Spain.

I think the best atmosphere that I've had was definitely in Scotland at Gleneagles and then last week. It was so unbelievable. Gleneagles being my first Solheim Cup, I was so nervous and got to play alongside Jess. That was so much fun.

And then getting to do it last week just outside the capital and to finally get the Cup back was really special.

Q. How do you carry that over when you got back into a regular week, a little bit more serious hat back on and trying to win another one individually?

NELLY KORDA: Just hate all the girls again. (Laughter.) No, it's crazy the friendships that you do make during Solheim Cup when you guys are all on one team.

Obviously got to play with Megan one day finally for the first time since Junior Solheim Cup, and that was a lot of fun.

You really do create lifelong friendships during Solheim Cup. Even though you're tired this week, I mean, with everything that went on last week, you're tired but not tired of golf. Coming out here and competing, doing what I love just gives me a little bit more energy boost.

Q. This golf course has maybe a little bit more water than we're used to seeing in a typical week for the LPGA. Visually and maybe mentally, how do you have to adjust to battle that and think about things differently?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, just have to zone into your targets really, especially when you're hitting to small greens. Just really have to be precise and diligent on hitting your targets and focusing on that other than what's around and the trouble.

Q. I know you said first time in Cincinnati. Have you got to explore at all yet? It's probably pretty exhausting after Solheim.

NELLY KORDA: I've spent a lot more time in my bed this week than normal. No, I don't really sightsee too much at events. I try to conserve my energy a good bit. I'm a foodie, so I do like to go explore the food scene.

Then I love to drink coffee.

But haven't well been doing that. Just been resting.

Q. Last one from me: What's the goal this week, besides the obvious, seventh tour title? What's the goal after such a big week?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, just go out and enjoy myself, play some good golf, and stay in my bubble and take it a shot at a time.

Q. What was the travel like after the Solheim victory party?

NELLY KORDA: I actually went to bed early. I was in bed by like 10:30 because I knew I wanted to get ready for this week. I knew if I had a long night on Sunday that I was just going to be in pieces this week.

So I just got on a flight at noon. Didn't want to take a super early one. Majority of the girls were on that flight that are competing this week. Got in around 2:00. Got to my housing or to the house I'm staying at around 4:00 and just kind of went easy that night.

Q. What were some of the friendships that you made over the week that you may not have had going into Solheim or may not have been as strong?

NELLY KORDA: I know Alison, Megan pretty well; also Lilia. But all the other girls, like I didn't know Sarah at all. Obviously with Rose kind of being younger, grew closer to her. Grew closer to LC, all the girls in general. Got know them a little better, which that was kind of the best part of the week.

And also seeing how relaxed everyone was with the caddies and how everyone was having such a good time representing our country. You know, just vibbin' off each other, keeping it light out there, and having so much fun.

Q. Would you like to see more team events in golf?

NELLY KORDA: Yeah, I mean, it's fun, but I think there is something so special about not playing a lot of them and playing just a few that it makes you really, really excited and it's kind of like a breath of fresh air in a sense. A nice changeup.

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