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September 18, 2024

Robert MacIntyre

Virginia Water, Surrey, England

Wentworth Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Can you try to put in terms, someone of your generation growing up in Scotland, how much of an idol Andy Murray is?

ROBERT MacINTYRE: Look, I think any Scottish person growing up, watching sport, there's not many people that you can look to in sports that are proper champions that go about things the right way. Yeah, on the courts, he gets heated. On the course, I get heated. But the fight he's got and the dedication to the sport, it's unbelievable. He's just a sporting idol for many people.

Obviously his life, he's done different things but I feel like the two sports are the closest that they can get. We are both individuals. Both have teams around us. Obviously the mechanics are completely different, but I think it's as close as I can get to my sport.

I think picking his brains will be great, and I've done that today, and I'll be doing that in the future. It's just little snippets, they are just little nuggets that you think have helped him create history to be honest.

Q. I imagine Ryder Cup goal No. 1 for the next 12 months. How do you stop from getting Ryder Cup fever and feeling too much pressure?

ROBERT MacINTYRE: Last year was obviously a big picture situation. I'm in the biggest events in the world now. I can schedule well. I can prepare the best I can for events. I expect myself to get there at Bethpage. I'm not going to put any extra pressure on myself. That's kind of outside noise. But I'm going to play golf and prepare as well as and hopefully hit as many good shots as I can.

Q. Did you feel a little bit of a chip on your shoulder in Rome and do you now do you feel like you belong more?

ROBERT MacINTYRE: Not at all. Six qualifiers, and one spot that was up for grabs and I qualified out of merit. The minute we get there, only one job is to win the Cup and we won Ryder Cup.

When I got there, obviously I was in awe of certain players and looked up to a lot of guys. Now I feel like I'm close personally with some of them, and the golf side of it, I deserved to be there.

Q. Given what you've achieved this season on both side of the Atlantic, do you feel you're a better player than you were? You've proven a few people wrong but shown people just how good you can be?

ROBERT MacINTYRE: I think I knew I was always good enough. I was just proving it to myself, and there was obviously bumps in the road along the way but it's never smooth in the game of golf. I've achieved things that I've dreamed of achieving as a kid, and I've still got more dreams I want to achieve, and I'm only 28. So there's plenty of time to achieve them. Yeah, just this year is just a building block.

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