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September 15, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA

Trophy Ceremony

GRANT BOONE: Stacy, you got out to a big lead Friday. Today you had a white-knuckled dying grip on this thing. But there it is, in U.S. possession for the first time since 2017. I've known you for a long time. I've talked to you a lot, and I've listen to you a lot. Two words jump out at me: Finished business. You did it.

STACY LEWIS: We did it. Man, this is so cool. I'm so proud of this team. It was so nerve-racking today watching. It's way better playing. I'm just so proud of this team. They fought through some adversity this week and played some unbelievable golf.

The European team, gosh, you guys played some great golf today, man. Unbelievable run. Hats off to you.

GRANT BOONE: Everyone who's ever competed in a Solheim Cup tells the youngsters, enjoy it because it flies by. But this has been two and a half long years for you. As you think back to where it all began and you think to this moment, what comes to mind?

STACY LEWIS: I guess for three years I've thought of that moment on 18 where we actually win the Cup, and I've replayed it over and over in my head. It still doesn't feel real. It's way sweeter in person.

This is just so cool, and I'm so proud of this team. I'm ready to celebrate with them tonight.

GRANT BOONE: You leaned heavily on analytics and statistics, but at the end of the day there was only one number that mattered: 14 and a half. You got to 15 and a half. How did you do it?

STACY LEWIS: Grit. That's what this event is about. It's about toughness. It's about grit. The golf is just so good on both sides that it's one putt, one shot here and there, and that's what brought us here today.

GRANT BOONE: You know what it's like to be on both sides of this, to leave without the Cup and now to cradle it. When you think about all the people who helped you, who were part of this journey, what do you have to say to them?

STACY LEWIS: Just a massive thank you. There are so many people. You learn -- when you're playing you don't realize it, but once you're a captain there are so many people behind the scenes that make this event happen, not only for us as players but for all of our fans out there.

Just so thankful for everybody, and I'm most thankful for our fans that carried us the last three days. You guys were awesome.

GRANT BOONE: Let the celebration begin. Stacy Lewis and the winning Solheim Cup team from Team USA!

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