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September 15, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. Here alongside Stacy Lewis who devoted three years of her life to leading this U.S. team, not to just one Solheim Cup but two. After the tie in Spain, what does it mean to you to get the win this time around?

STACY LEWIS: I mean, this is so cool. So stressful to watch. It's awful watching. But just so proud of the players. It's amazing how these things come down to half a point here and there. Fortunately this time we were on the right side of it.

Q. Your team came into these Sunday singles matches with a sizable lead but it got awfully tight over these closing matches. What were you thinking?

STACY LEWIS: It really could have gone either way. It's crazy there at the end kind of how it all unfolded. I was just hoping and praying it went our way.

Just proud of the team, and Lilia's finish there was unbelievable. That's what you expect from one of the best players in the world.

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