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September 15, 2024

Megan Khang

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. With Megan Khang, who has been known as the spark plug of Team USA. Just heard from Stacy Lewis, who earlier in the week says maybe this golf course wasn't a right fit for you, but you figured out a way to elevate your team. What was it about this week and this golf course that you were able to do that?

MEGAN KHANG: Honestly, Stacy told me that probably at the beginning of the week I was probably only going to be playing best ball just because we had so many great ball strikers this week. Honestly, I told Stacy, I'm doing what's best for this team. You're the captain. You tell us what's best. She said, prove me wrong, and I'd like to think I tried my best to do so.

Q. Speaking of Stacy, can you talk about that captaincy and how she was able to lead this group to victory?

MEGAN KHANG: It's been pretty cool. Stacy has been pretty adamant about being a numbers girl, and it did pretty good last year and we kind of kept with the system this year.

Obviously this year a little more in our favor. But there's something to it. She puts in the work, she puts in the hours.

I think Sunday when we flew in she was going through like 10 to 15 pages of paperwork just handwriting out possible pairings. You got to give her the credit for really putting in a lot of work into finding what the best pairings were.

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