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September 15, 2024

Rose Zhang

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. Rose, just an impeccable performance today against a Solheim Cup stalwart in Carlota Ciganda. What was your mindset coming into the match today?

ROSE ZHANG: I was really excited. Carlota is such an incredible player and I saw her clinch that Cup last year. I was really just looking forward to coming out here and seeing what I could measure up.

Turns out the day was great, and I'm glad to be gaining a point for Team USA.

Q. You said this week you felt like you were able to let loose, have some fun. How do you think that contributed to your success the last few days?

ROSE ZHANG: Oh, it was so incredible. I just feel like the Solheim Cup reignited my passion for the game, and it was so fun to see so many people out here supporting. My teammates have been incredible.

We've been having so much fun, not only off the golf course but even on it. It's just been an incredible ride. I'm very thankful to be in this position and excited to cheer the team on.

Q. This 14th hole you're standing out right now has been so pivotal throughout this week, but the Americans have seemed to figure it out. Why do you think they've been so successful, including yourself?

ROSE ZHANG: We're overall aggressive players, but I think we know where to place the ball, and we allow the slopes to do their thing and just allow the golf balls to ride with it. I think that's been pretty pivotal with everyone. We've been pretty creative with how we've been playing the hole and able to get the job done.

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