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September 15, 2024

Allisen Corpuz

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA


Q. Alongside Allisen Corpuz, delivering for her team. Captain Stacy Lewis sent you out early and you delivered. What was her message to you ahead of your singles match today?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, she said go out there, take care of your match, and don't worry about anyone else, anything else. Just made sure we were ready for the day, had everything we needed, and yeah, I got off to a pretty fast start.

Q. When I asked you how the day went, you said, "fast." How would you describe the experience today going head-to-head with a veteran like Anna Nordqvist.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, Anna is such an awesome player. I grew up watching her play. We both played really well. She holed out on 5 for eagle and it was just a really fun match. I think we both played really well.

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