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September 15, 2024

Megan Khang

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA

Quick Quotes


Q. Back-to-back undefeated Solheim Cups for you. What is it about this event that brings out the best in you?

MAGAN KHANG: I mean, the atmosphere is just electric. I've thoroughly enjoyed getting the crowd very much involved. My voice can clearly be the victim of that. But I'd do it a million times over.

It's just kind of -- you get the people going, they get down, they're right there to lift you up. I enjoyed this week, and just trying to play my best golf for not only myself but my teammates, my captains, and the fans and our country, just try to do one match at a time like Captain Lewis said. We came out here with the score 0-0 mindset.

Q. Obviously you and your partners, whoever you played with throughout this week, were very excellent, dominating your singles matches. What is it about Robert Trent Jones that maybe you're able to take advantage of?

MAGAN KHANG: I love this course. I didn't get a chance to see it beforehand like some of the girls did, but I think this course is very gettable. I think captain definitely put it in our favor in the sense of some holes being a little softer than others and the par-5s being reachable for all of us.

I think it's something about being on home soil, as well, that has something to do with it. I grew up on bentgrass, so hopefully that helped to play a little part in how I played today or this week.

But overall we've got a great group of girls, so it's good vibes all around.

Q. What can a week like this do for your confidence as we head down the rest of the season?

MAGAN KHANG: I think this week definitely brought out a lot of confidence in putting. I made some pretty good putts yesterday to halve some holes that Anna had already birdied beforehand.

I had come in struggling in the sense of not seeing as many putts go in. So seeing those putts kind of drop when it matters under that immense pressure, that's huge. To do it in this kind of environment with the crowd, not wanting to let them down, as well, it's a big confidence boost for me.

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