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September 15, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Pregame Quick Quotes

Q. Sunday singles are finally here. Talk about the strategy behind your team's lineup.

STACY LEWIS: Go get as many points early as we can and get this thing done. Nelly has played great in this role all week, so I just wanted to give her the opportunity to do it again. From there, it was get the energy out there and who was playing the best.

Q. You have a sizable lead heading into this final session. What's the mindset of the team? We all know what happened at Medinah in 2015.

STACY LEWIS: Just keep it going back to work. They still know there's something to play for. There's work that has to be done. We're not done yet, and we all know anything can happen. They weren't on the team, but they remember it. They saw it. They were young enough. They were probably watching it on TV. They know. They know what they need to do today.

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