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September 15, 2024

Chris Buescher

Watkins Glen, New York

Frontstretch Quotes

An Interview with:

Q. There's a reason, this is the ninth straight year for a sell-out here at Watkins Glen. This track continues to deliver a win a few weeks late for Chris Buescher, but I'm sure it was worth the wait. Wow, Chris, walk me through the restart with SVG. Were you sizing up a move, and were you surprised when he sort of made that bauble?

CHRIS BUESCHER: Oh, man, it's such a good build, Ford Mustang is so great. The long-run speed was phenomenal. I thought we lost it there on that last one..

Just, man, to stay right there with him, that was the spot that he was better than us. He missed it. He missed it, so I tried to cross over. Went to cut and just hard race there. Just such an awesome finish. To be that good for so much at the end of the race, all race, to get a win, it's good. We came here to be a spoiler. We're going to do that where.

Q. Does this eliminate some of the steam from not being in the playoffs, Chris?

CHRIS BUESCHER: Yeah, sure. We would have liked to have won a couple of weeks ago, but this is huge. This is such a big win for us. Everybody at RFK has worked so hard. To finally get a road course win, man, we've been so close so many times. To finally pull that off, it's fantastic.

Q. What was that like behind the wheel when you saw him make that mistake? Did your eyes get wide and say, this is my shot?

CHRIS BUESCHER: I knew it was. I got deeper than I had been. I think he was still going. I had a good shot or a good feeling that it was probably going to bottom out. It's smoother. Not smooth.

So it was a big moment, big opportunity for us, and able to roll on by.

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