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September 14, 2024

Stacy Lewis

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team USA

Quick Quotes

Q. The Europeans fight back today, and you did get it, but that gap is still 4.

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, this was a great day for us. I think it's hard, it's like when you go shoot 62, how you come back the next day. We had such a great day yesterday. It was going to be hard.

The Europeans played a lot better today, and that showed, but really, really happy with the day, and to keep the same lead.

Q. I'm sure it was in your game plan, your ideal game plan to have everybody rest one session, and you've done that, so the likes of Ally and Lauren will be fresh for tomorrow.

STACY LEWIS: Correct, yeah. That's something I tried to do last year, I tried to do this year. I just think five matches, you just never know if they come all the way to 18 like this, you're out here five and a half, six hours. Just tried to keep my horses fresh and we're going to ride them in tomorrow.

Q. What has been really noticeable in all four sessions is how you guys managed to turn on the afterburners around the turn and on the back nine. Has that been a target this week?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, and really our pairings and foursomes were really set up for that fresh from 9 through 13. You kind of get into a good rhythm of the same person hitting putts and hitting shots and that's what our pairings were set up for was that stretch, and it worked out.

Q. You were on that side nine years ago in Germany. You know an away side can come back from six down. Are you going to mention that in the team talk?

STACY LEWIS: No, most of them weren't around for that. We're going to go try to win as many points early as we can and try to get this thing done.

Q. Unfinished business?

STACY LEWIS: That's right. We're almost done.

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