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September 14, 2024

Carlota Ciganda

Emily Pedersen

Gainesville, Virginia, USA

Robert Trent Jones Golf Club

Team Europe


Q. Emily, your team pulling it off. We saw Suzann Pettersen come out and speak to you on 14. What was her message?

EMILY PEDERSEN: Just keep two balls in play all the time and stay patient. She said we've been playing great, which we have, and we just haven't been really holing putts I feel like for two days. We played some good golf and I just thought, if we kept plotting away the putts are going to drop, and luckily they did.

Q. How would you describe how this match was? Our team was saying how you could sense the tension and the pressure over this closing stretch. How would you describe the experience?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: Yeah, I think we played amazing golf, morning and afternoon. Obviously it's really tough to beat the Americans. They were playing some great golf, and with the home crowds, it's not easy.

But I told Emily, let's wear them out. Let's hit as many greens as we can. The putts are going to drop. I knew. We are just quality. I knew we are really good and I knew we could do it. We just have to believe. I'm just so happy for her because she's an amazing player, and we did so well.

So just stay in the moment after losing two down after two holes, and then I was like, come on, we can do this, and we are going to do it for Suzann, for Europe and for the team.

Q. Your captain said you'd have a lot of work to do to make up ground. Do you feel like you've given yourself a chance tomorrow?

CARLOTA CIGANDA: I think we have a chance for sure. You have 12 points. I don't know the final score what it's going to be, but 12 points, we can win all of them. That's what we're going try to do, everyone focus on their match, and why not. Medinah, the miracle of Medinah, it's coming.

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